What are the causes of autism?
Many children carry the problems that autism produces. Despite the fact that the vast majority recognize this disease in a person, few really know what it is and what are the causes that originate it. In this article we will review this disease and the reasons that produce its manifestation.
Autism is a disorder that manifests itself in the first 3 years of life. It affects brain development, more specifically the area that is responsible for everything related to communication and socialization. That is why people who suffer from this disorder have serious difficulties to start a conversation or to relate to people.
Speaking of pervasive developmental disorders, autism is part of this group and is one of the most important. In addition to the problems described above caused by this disease, imagination and the manifestation of repetitive movements of the extremities, which are involuntary and the individual cannot control them, also decrease.
This disorder does not manifest itself in the same way in two different people, but in each one the severity of the symptoms are different.
Una lista de enfermedades comunes que existen en la actualidad o que frecuentemente son consultadas en los médicos. Tome en cuenta que la automedicación no esta recomendada, por más común que...webmediums.com
On the other hand, it is not known what the specific causes that produce this disease are, however studies and research have determined that it may be due to gene mutations, environmental contamination, especially due to the presence of mercury, among others.
Autism affects men more than women, and it is considered that there are 4 cases of autistic children for every 1000 children. This disorder does not discriminate race or socioeconomic status.
El síndrome de rett, es un trastorno neurológico pre-natal, se presenta por primera vez durante la infancia. Se produce casi siempre en las niñas, pero rara vez se observa en los niños. El...webmediums.com
This disease requires that it be quickly diagnosed in order to carry out the pertinent treatment. Parents must observe the way their children relate to other children and people, and understand that autism has no cure, but an early diagnosis will improve their quality of life.