Salma Hayek enters the Marvel Universe as Ajak, leader of the Eternals

3 min de lectura

The Mexican actress feels very proud not only for entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she also expresses her emotion for being part of a cast that truly represents great diversity in the selection of its actors, all this plus one of the most interesting plot among the Premieres that make up Phase IV of the Marvel Universe, have Hayek excited as he could.

With its origin in a comic from the 70s, The Eternals show us a race of apparently immortal beings, although their characteristics and closeness to humans allow us to more clearly call them superhumans. These beings fulfill a key mission for life on earth and Salma Hayek is their mother leader, representing another of Marvel's twists since the leading figure in the comic was male.

Salma Hayek enters the Marvel Universe as Ajak, leader of the Eternals

Salma Hayek and Angelina Jolie as part of a superior race

With a vision perhaps more spiritual than what traditional superheroes usually represent (strength or agility as the center of their power), both women, but especially Hayek in his role as leader, make up a group that must necessarily guide humanity.

If we look at the cast, there is an implicit message in placing as guides and protectors of humanity a "team" of special beings where we have a great diversity of races and conditions; Its leader Salma Hayek is Latina, but the Eternals also includes a South Korean, a Pakistani, an African-American, a child actress and a deaf actress. Asian director Chloe Zhao will be in charge of the film.

"This film will allow those who never feel represented in the movies, in this case superheroes, to feel represented. Expresses Salma Hayek, who has also promised to do much more for the commitment that involves being part of the Marvel Universe.

The cast is made up of:

Salma Hayek as Ajak

Angelina Jolie as Thena

Richard Madden as Ikaris

Kumail Nanjiani as Kingo

Lauren Ridloff as Makkari

BrianTyree Henry as Phastos

Lia McHugh as Sprite

Don Lee as Gilgamesh

What is the best known character in The Eternals Comics?

Among the things that have excited fans of the Marvel Universe is the fact that in the comic, one of the Eternals is none other than Thanos ! Although it is not certain that the film complies 100% with the plot of the comic, in this the race of the Eternals is born by the intervention of aliens, who manage to create a powerful race from the DNA of prehistoric human beings. Will the story in the film be similar? Will Thanos appear in the Eternals?

To avoid spoilers, we can say that the surprises in this story will be many and the fans of mythological heroes will have a lot of encouragement not to miss their premiere, the mere appearance of Gilgamesh should give a clue of the path that history will take and is that this Eternal can only be surpassed in strength (in the original comic) by Thanos.

Salma Hayek enters the Marvel Universe as Ajak, leader of the Eternals

The eternals have their origin in the intervention of the aliens that in The Comic are called Los Celestiales. It follows from this that the group of the Eternals is one of the courts or hosts resulting in planets from the interventions of these superior beings, since Thanos in the original story is one of the Eternals, we can deduce how much room for maneuver Marvel has by starting of their comics to bring us many movies and fun with the Universe that they have created for their fans.
