The United States initiates sanctions against the National Bank of Iran

2 min de lectura

Once Donald Trump announced that he was studying strong sanctions against Iran, it was recently known that they were punishments against his bank. Trump has called it "the biggest tax ever against a country."

The United States initiates sanctions against the National Bank of Iran

The sanctions seek to attack powerful Iranian leaders and businessmen. Diplomatic and political relations are far from stable, since Iran's foreign minister assured in the last hours that if the United States or the Arabs attacked, it would be the start of a war.

Donald Trump is known to use economic sanctions to avoid eventual military interventions. The White House has stated that it does not want to intervene militarily in a country, but that it is always a possibility to use force. However, history has shown that the United States has only attacked countries alone when they do not have potentially powerful weaponry.

In the case of Iran, they have stated that its nuclear capacity will continue to increase despite sanctions that were once imposed by the United States, but were withdrawn in 2015 as a result of promising to stop its atomic race. As this did not happen, the economic sanctions were reactivated with greater consequences.

Trump has assured that what is happening in Iran is a sign that they are self-destructing and on several occasions they assure that "they are going to hell." Of course, his patriotism and military might lead him to say that if someone is against the United States, there is no way they will win.

The truth is that the words are not equivalent to their actions, and they were recently retracted when the US anti-aircraft systems were unable to stop the attack carried out by the Yemeni rebels. Remembering that the United States accuses Iran of having attacked, while Saudi Arabia limits itself to saying that the technology used in the attack is Iranian.

The United States initiates sanctions against the National Bank of Iran
