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Instagram IGTV: how to use it?

Irene de Espinoza
5 min read

We are in a digital age where social networks offer more functions every day; and Instagram has always stood out for offering endless variety in terms of features and tools.

It is one of the most impressive social networks when it comes to making content known to an audience or even sharing significant experiences of its users.

Instagram IGTV: how to use it? – Social Media – WebMediums

However, it is not a secret that all networks are reinventing themselves on a daily basis, Instagram would not be the exception. For this reason, it created the Instagram IGTV function, which offers its users the possibility of uploading videos with a duration of 15 to 60 minutes, and that these are registered among their publications.

IGTV stands for (Instagram TV), a wonderful tool.

Instagram IGTV: how to use it? – Social Media – WebMediums
Producing series on Instagram is not a problem.

How to use Instagram IGTV

If you want to explore the IGTV option on Instagram, access your account, look for the Instagram IGTV icon, which is located next to private messages; once the option is checked, you will be able to browse and enjoy a substantial variety of videos.

If, on the other hand, you do not want to watch but create a video, you must select the “+” option. After completing the previous steps, select the video you want to post, place an experience or message as a description and press the publish button.


The duration of the video may vary depending on whether you are using Instagram professionally from your computer, you can upload content with a duration of up to 60 minutes if, on the contrary, you are generating it from your mobile, you must publish a variation of 1 to 15 minutes.

Always taking into account that, when recording content on this network, you must do so by placing the mobile vertically.

Instagram IGTV: how to use it? – Social Media – WebMediums
Start with small videos.


Although the tools that Instagram offers us are not difficult to use, Instagram IGTV has certain requirements when you want to upload a video, among which, the duration, must always be recorded vertically.

The videos must be in MP4 format, the resolution must be 720 megapixels and the weight must not exceed a range of 350 MB to 3.6 GB.

Instagram IGTV: how to use it? – Social Media – WebMediums
Be careful with the format of your video.

Immediate and creative connection

Because videos are more interactive than images, they have twice the receptivity of the audience that, immersed in daily life, sees this tool as a portal to enjoyment. Which significantly increased the lives up to 70%.

If that's not enough, these can be saved to your profile to be played over and over again. Ideal for those people who carry out social experiments, or who want to capture the experience of their customers.

Instagram IGTV: how to use it? – Social Media – WebMediums

A trip to the future

Create videos where you tell your followers your story, or that of your brand. Perhaps a little about what your day to day is like or what the process of making your products is like. Leave open questions where they can interact and tell you what to improve or what they felt identified with.

You can also use this tool to talk about future projects or offers that you want to execute.

Instagram IGTV: how to use it? – Social Media – WebMediums
Talk about your entrepreneurship through Instagram IGTV.


Use practical language, do not fall into fillers, you can practice videos or lives beforehand to avoid beginners' mistakes, obscene words or situations that can be confused.

Depending on your niche or account, study your audience so you know what content follows and you can have a better reach. Always remember that authenticity will be your hallmark.

Instagram IGTV: how to use it? – Social Media – WebMediums
Organize a good production of your videos.

Create constant interaction

The frequency with which we interact strengthens any bond, and social networks are no exception. Do not forget to be aware of the hours in which you have more frequency.

If you published a video in the morning at night, you can do a survey asking what your followers thought of the morning's topic or proposal.

Instagram IGTV: how to use it? – Social Media – WebMediums
Never stop interacting with your followers.

Use the tags as you see fit

You can mention accounts by citing an experience, citing a book, or naming a place. This will connect your friends or users with an interest in the topic you mention and you will get other people to share your publication or leave you their likes.

Instagram IGTV is an easy to use function like any of the many that Instagram offers us. It is only a matter of taking the necessary time to study the application and, of course, always taking into account the compatibility requirements that it demands when publishing audiovisual content.

Instagram IGTV: how to use it? – Social Media – WebMediums
Label scope is an excellent tool.

Basically, you just post and wait for retention. Create attractive content and if you haven't dared until now, start planning and reading marketing techniques that allow the interaction you generate to position you and appear among the first videos that the function throws up.
