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Who visits my Facebook profile?

5 min de lectura
Who visits my Facebook profile? – Social Media – WebMediums
Facebook is a digital platform that promotes the sharing of information.

Today we want to answer this question that you have been asking yourself for a long time, who visits my Facebook profile? To answer this question we must first know what Facebook is.

Founded by a young man who knew algorithms very well, it is a social network aimed at connecting people.

Through this, you can contact those childhood friends and take a look at their lives, find out about other details and even purchase products for your home through its different groups.

It has many benefits, but also some details that its fans cannot ignore, and one of them is privacy. Here's how to find out who's looking at your profile.

More about Facebook

Today, there are many social networks, but we could say that Facebook was one of the pioneers in the field of social networks and connecting people despite being thousands of kilometers away.

One of the peculiarities of Facebook is that you can write more texts than on other networks, since it is about sharing experiences that may or may not be accompanied by a photograph. Added to this, the most radical difference is that it has groups of certain themes, you can be part of them just by adding yourself.

Now, those who know Facebook well know that, like all social networks, it has some regulations and among them is the topic that we are dealing with in these lines, who visits my Facebook profile? The digital platform certainly does not allow this option within its many browsing opportunities.

Through the page, officially, it is impossible to see which contacts you own or do not see your profile. Although, what it does allow is that you keep your account private from people who do not belong to your social circle. Knowing this, let's go to another point, how to know who visits my Facebook profile?

A way to know who visits my Facebook profile

There is a way to know this information. If Facebook does not allow it, we can do it through the HTML link. Certainly, you can do it in applications, however, this way is not secure, since the modality is that you give your Facebook data and you would lose privacy, an added value in this digital age.

If you decide to follow our advice, you just have to follow these simple steps to finally see which people view your profile and thus decide, based on some decisions, to protect yourself from people who for some reason want to harm your physical or psychological integrity. These are the steps:

  • Enter the official Facebook page and enter your data to enter your account.

  • Find your profile. You must click on the photo at the top right of the page. You must do this step, because to know who visits my Facebook profile, we must be in our profile.

  • Once inside your profile, you must use the computer keyboard, because through some combinations of keys you will obtain your HTML link.

  • Press F12 or Control + Shift + I to locate the developer tools.

  • There, you must locate the option that says "source code viewer".

  • Then type Control + U to open your code in a new browser tab.

  • Press the Control + F keys to access the browser. There, type the following: BUDDY_ID.

  • As you write this, you get a lot of matches, all the ones that end with that word are the links of the Facebook profiles that have visited your page.

General conclusions

The way in which you can see who visits your profile may seem a bit complex to you, however, these steps are simple and thus you will have security when opening your profile and seeing who is looking for you, sees you or follows you.

Facebook is a digital platform that promotes the sharing of information, photos, memories and more.

For this reason, if you do not take your social accounts with care or caution, you can allow many people outside of you to have access to private information. We will give you some tips to take into account on Facebook.

How to know who visits my Facebook profile is an important topic, but we believe that the main thing, before knowing who follows you, is the security of not having any reason to access this option, because if you control your social networks, you will be more than Calm that he who visits you cannot get beyond. These are the tips to follow:

  1. Keep your account private. If you wish, this helps prevent people outside your social circle from seeing or accessing your photos easily.

  2. Don't post private information like your address or phone number. This data must be with you and give it only to those who are friends or family.

  3. Do not add people you do not know to your Facebook or any other social network unless you have a business account, in which case, there is also a way to keep security active.

  4. Always keep in mind that privacy is a privilege, a benefit, a latent need in this digital age.






