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The extreme change of the Internet with the Web3

9 min de lectura

In today's world that relies in every way on the internet, it's hard to imagine a remodel being needed. However, experts assure that it is completely necessary.

The extreme change of the Internet with the Web3 – Technology – WebMediums

The internet specialists, believing that the internet needs a "huge overhaul", prompted them to undertake work for a "new phase" of the internet.

They consider that currently the internet used is of "second generation" and it is necessary to change it so that it is much more evolved.

Its progress must lead to converting it into a "semantic web". This result will be more productive, and will offer us more control over our information.

This is what they predict with the appearance of Web 3.0, which many in the sector consider a great evolution on the Internet.

Web 3.0 will make it easier for machines decipher a much larger volume of information. This will allow you to relate in a deeper way with different people regardless of the platform used.

In this case, complicated operating systems will not be needed, much less information storage hard drives, since all this data will be in the cloud. Also, all of that will be customizable and much faster.

In general terms, it could be said that in Web3 the machine will work together more efficiently with the user.

The purpose of the Web3

The extreme change of the Internet with the Web3 – Technology – WebMediums
The purpose of the Web3

Its main objective is the decentralization of the Internet: to make a fairer organization and take power away from the "greats of the Internet", as described by those behind the idea.

The idea is now resonating in Silicon Valley and has been developing for a long time.

Gavin Wood, co-founder of the cryptocurrency Ethereum, was also the creator of the term in 2014.

In the same way that Tim Berners-Lee is considered the "father of the internet", Wood is often referred to as the "father of Ethereum" for being a broadcaster and co-founder. It should be noted that Etherum is the second most used blockchain convention on the planet, and now this technology is the basis of Web3.

The designer of the Polkadot open source project, Wood, insisted on the possibility that it was important to "reshape the Internet" — to design a new architecture with a particular process for a decentralized service.

The British programmer created Web3, to support the working groups that will be in charge of investigating and developing the construction of the bases of said web.

What does web3 imply?

A decentralized website

The extreme change of the Internet with the Web3 – Technology – WebMediums
Ursula O'Kuinghttons

Ursula O'Kuinghttons, communications director for Parity Technologies, explains in an interview that the internet was initially a decentralized and open procedure.

Which began to centralize during the 90s, with the enormous advances that we know today.

The director assured that what is expected with Web3 is to go back to the beginning of everything that was the Internet : to forget the general control of this widely used communication tool.

A vital piece of the structure of the Web3 is blockchain innovation, known as blockchain technology, so that in this way the formation of information chains is allowed.

Web 1.0 depended on hyperlinks and Web 2.0, is based on social media, Web 3.0, will be based on blockchain technology innovation.

O'Kuinghttons assures that a receptive perspective must be maintained because blockchain is considerably more than digital money. Web3 is more intriguing than the value of a token.

In fact, the components that make Web3 conceivable have been created over the past few years and are now a reality. However, the technology has not yet been processed or used by the general population.

Quick, open and secure

The extreme change of the Internet with the Web3 – Technology – WebMediums
Colin evran

Colin Evran, who has spent five years advancing the Web.3, manages the Filecoin and IPFS ecosystems, designed by Protocol Labs, an innovative blockchain company located in San Francisco, California (USA). Its objective is also the decentralization of the internet.

He reported in an interview that an important aspect of his job is to accelerate the shift from Web2 to Web3. In addition to the renewal of the Web to make it more open, faster, more secure against attacks.

How did it all start?

To see how the Web3 will work and how fast and strong it will be, you have to understand the beginning of how the web was made and how it has changed over time.

Evran commented that, "If we look back at the early days of the internet — in the 1960s and 1970s — we see that the internet existed even before the web itself: it was an amalgam of cables and a network that 'connected things'".

The extreme change of the Internet with the Web3 – Technology – WebMediums

He also assures that, at the beginning, it was a government proposal called Arpanet to change data. In the mid-90s, it was the beginning of Web 1.0.

Pages like Yahoo! were static web pages that relied on hyperlinks. In the 2000s came Web 2.0. Allowing interactive reading and writing, communication between portable and web applications, was one of the main improvements in the advance.

He insists that the improvement of Web 3.0 adds to all this the basis of trust, since the freedoms will be in the structure. Likewise, he is another of the people who does not agree with the centralization that exists in Web2.

He stressed that a couple of organizations specialized in cloud storage, banks and state administrations, accumulate all the information. In this way, they can manage and control information as they see fit to make money and support their interests.

He assured that the fact that the organisms control the population cannot be supported, just by having a database of each one.

The changes that are presented with the Web3

The extreme change of the Internet with the Web3 – Technology – WebMediums
Leaders in user storage

Evran indicates that the entire web architecture would change with Web3. It will allow customers to have access to servers around the world and in this way they can choose who stores their information and how.

The leaders of the storage of information in the cloud, at the moment are Microsoft, Google and Amazon.

Amazon with its auxiliary AWS, controls 41.5%, according to 2019 information from McAfee. In second place is Microsoft's Azure, with 29.4%, and Google Cloud, with 3%.

These three organizations own half of the 600 data centers around the world, according to a report by Synergy Research Group.

Evran also clarifies that in the Web3 there will be clear systems, to check the information and get rid of problems such as fake news.

On the more specialized side, there is the subject of conventions : When you open Google or another program and go to a site, the HTTP convention is used; and you tell the protocol to find the file in a specific location.

He explained that, "It is as if to find a book you had to force it through the New York Public Library. If that library collapses or the government puts up a security guard, you can no longer access the content. It is a controlled structure centrally".

"In the world of the Web3, each duplicate of the book will be packaged in a cryptographic calculation that cannot be played with. Also, we will want to share it regardless of whether we are associated with the organization," he concluded.

It is a distributed technology (P2P) that allows resources to be spread directly among a few clients, something that is beyond the possibilities of the current Web2 and the HTTP convention it uses.

Ursula O'Kuinghttons clarifies that Web3's blockchain innovation is extremely secure and that, until now, in more than 10 years, no one has had the option to hack it. He added that security is essential in the times we live in, since our lives and our information are progressively downloaded on the Internet.

Slow process

These progressions are expected to give Internet customers more control over the data they access and the information they share and that the Internet is equal and free.

However, the assurance that Web 3.0 will want to curb the authority of the great innovators of Google or Facebook, raises doubts.

Elon Musk a couple of days ago posted an unexpected comment on Twitter: "Has anyone seen Web3? I can not find it".

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey also spoke out and said that Web3 "is a centralized entity, but with a different label". Despite this, Colin Evran insists on continuing to work on this project.

Faced with skepticism, Evran indicates that the move from Web1 to Web2 was immense progress that took many years. Progress from Web2 to Web3 is inescapable, but it won't happen suddenly, but rather in a long time.

The current procedure is just the first steps. In this job there are a lot of engineers who are dedicated to the job. This is a sample that is betting on Web3.

The refreshing of the internet

The extreme change of the Internet with the Web3 – Technology – WebMediums

He is confident that Web3 will refresh the Internet with a totally new and much fairer worldview than Web2.

Evran makes the assumption that a web formatting will take place, in the next five to ten years. In that case, the information will once again be under the control of the users. Besides, that is the world he wants for his children and for himself.

O'Kuinghttons also shares the view that change will not be an easy task, but insists that a more equal and equitable internet is necessary.

They are currently in an initial phase. This is simply the beginning of growth that is still in the development stage, the specialist clarified.

In 2021, a boost could be seen with metaverses and NFTs. In 2022, we will see fundamental changes, such as the development of these innovations, which are part of the Web3.
