Best Tourist Posadas in Europe
Europe is one of the more beautiful and different continents that there are, this account with stunning landscapes, a very spacious culture and truly majestic beaches. In addition, it is not characterized by being extremely cold or too hot, since it has the four climate stations.
What all tourists should know before going to Europe:
Because of the propagations of Covid-19, tourism has suffered serious changes that have affected the entire population. Therefore, the organization in charge of international tourism, has established that according to statistics in the year 2020 only a 30% of tourists that entered previous years.
And in the first months of the year 2021, this figure has declined, even by only the 15% to visit tourists. The main reason that entails this drastic reduction, is The distrust of certain countries, in biosecurity measures, applied in the countries that make up this continent.
Among the main countries that came to place the European continent on the Red List, they are:China, Japan and the United States. These regulations are updated weekly, according to pollution statistics by COVID-19.
Before traveling, European regulations must be applied to be able to enter, in addition to the established requirements in each country. Similarly, this continent avoids the entry of polluted persons at all costs, for which, who wish to enter must comply with the following requirements: passport, visa or special permission to travel; health insurance; The full doses of the VACCIN against the COVID-19 and practice the standards established by OMS.
The best tourist places:
Depending on the tastes of each person, the place you want to travel and where it is most comfortable to get in Posada is determined.
In this fantastic and advanced country, there is the city of Millán, which has great attractions in the tourist part, especially for those people who enjoy culture.
Every vacationer who visits the city, must go through the most recognized church, it is Santa Maria delle Grazie, the same place where the famous painting is located by Leonardo da Vinci, I name as:The Last Supper.
Before planning the travel date, it is recommended to observe the dates of celebrations or exhibitions and enjoy the best exhibitions in the Theater of the Scala, the Stadium of San Siro, The gallery, the Museums of the Sforzesco castle, among others.
And there is no better place to stay in this region, than the Hotel roommate Giulia. It is located throughout the center of the city, so it will be easier to transfer to any area. In addition to this, it offers full breakfasts with a variety of dishes to taste the consumer, a fully equipped gym, a spa or sauna with relaxation services according to demanded attention and a meeting room for any extraordinary activity.
Given the conditions of this inn, you should not only reserve enough time to travel the city, in addition to this, you will need a few days to enjoy the amenities provided within the hotel. Forecasts are taken within each area, so that they are used correctly and without agglomerations.
It is definitely known as the city where the Vatican is located and although the visit to this site is certainly extremely recommended, Rome has much more to offer their tourists. Going through the city is enjoying every step and each store, offers the best services in gastronomy, textile products, among other particular areas.
All visitors must travel the Monte Palatino, which saw the beginning of the entire Roman Empire from its oldest eras. Also, the Colosseum, place that in other times, witnessed great massacres and is currently a whole work of ancient architecture. In addition to this is “the Borghese gallery”, which was formerly a mansion, which currently works as a museum with great pieces Renaissance of the XVII century.
To finish, any visitor can reserve Posada in “The Pantheon Iconic Rome Hotel”, One of the most central Posadas in the region, Which has all the current services of a five-star hotel. They cover all the needs that a family may have, pet friendly, offer television and Internet services, as well as having a variety of restaurants around them.
Likewise, it also has some restrictions such as those imposed by WHO to combat COVID-19, maintains maximum cleaning in its rooms and does not allow it to smoke within the facilities.
No doubt Venice is recognized internationally by its large channels, which communicate with the entire city. Among the main tourist sites, is the square of “San Marcos”, is a very commercial historical place today.
The bridge of the sighs and the Grand Canal, are ideal for sailing them, taking advantage to visit the several of the city. Undoubtedly the best place of lodging is the Domus Ciliota, a five-star hotel with all the luxuries and attentions required. It is ideal for full couples or families, which can easily visit any point in the region.
It is necessary to highlight that the European climate has suffered a series of alterations, due to the heating observed around the entire planet, mainly from the year 2015. Snow begins to fall as of December and culminates in the month of March. It is observed in the highest regions, mainly in the mountains. Due to the season, many families meet to share and take advantage of the winter.
On the other hand, between the months of June to September, the summer is established, the ideal season to enjoy the landscapes and the European beaches. In these times, vacationers abound over the whole continent, each looking for the best place according to their own opinion, however, the climate does not stop the visit to any of these places.