3 signs to identify Alzheimer's

2 min read

The following signs correspond to a study carried out by the Alzheimer's Association, which has determined 10 behaviors to be able to recognize if someone is suffering from this disease.

3 signs to identify Alzheimer's – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Faced with the first signs, it is important to go to the general practitioner to start the corresponding check-ups in the possible patient, in the following article we will tell about 3 possible symptoms, while now we will talk about 3 possible signs to identify Alzheimer's.

Sign # 1 Act with confusion: This disease is characterized by memory loss, which is why people who suffer from Alzheimer's usually tend to forget the day of the week or the month that is in effect.

It happens to all of us that many times we do not remember what day it is, however, if we remember it soon it is not a reason to worry. On the other hand, patients often lose track of where they are and often cannot remember how they got to where they are.

If this is happening to you, go to the doctor as soon as possible to be able to make a diagnosis and be able to clear any type of doubt you may have.

Sign # 2 Visual problems begin: The entry into old age as well as different activities such as spending a lot of time in front of a computer implies that we lose sight; which is common and nothing to worry about.

However, when the problem is when determining the color of an object or also when distances cannot be determined, this can be a sign of the manifestation of the disease.

Sign # 3 Difficulty in speech: Having Alzheimer's implies that the patient has problems speaking and also writing.

A common situation is when you find yourself speaking, and suddenly you don't know how to go on, or you don't remember what it was you were saying.

In turn, the use of words that do not exist or describe common objects and known to all are signs that require medical supervision.

It is our recommendation that you go to a hospital or doctor's office if you have any questions.
Este artículo está también disponible en español
3 señales para identificar el Alzheimer
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