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5 exercises to lose weight

5 min de lectura
5 exercises to lose weight – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

When you want to lose those extra pounds, there are many exercises to lose weight that can be recommended, however, how do you know if all are really effective?

Before asking yourself if they are really effective or not, the most important thing is that you make the decision to change your lifestyle and not only for aesthetics but rather for your health.

Having a good exercise routine and a healthy diet is our main tool to fight against covid-19.

Having an ideal weight is not an easy task and less so now that the vast majority of people lead a fairly accelerated lifestyle, which prevents them from maintaining healthy habits, since it is much easier to consume processed foods, high in carbohydrates than to prepare one healthy food at home.

And to this must be added that thanks to the amount of activities that are carried out during the day to day, the time to do exercises is very limited or practically nil. Dog, if you have already made the decision to improve your health and physical appearance, we are going to recommend 5 exercises to lose weight at home.

The best 5 exercises to lose weight at home

Before starting a training plan, either in a gym or at home, it should be clear that commitment and perseverance is required to be able to see the desired results. It is important that you do at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day, that is, 150 minutes a week, which is the minimum time recommended by the World Health Organization.

Among the 5 best cardio exercises for weight loss we have: push-ups, weighted strides, weighted rowing, squats and jumping jacks. Before carrying out your routine with these exercises, it is essential to warm up and thus avoid any type of injury.

In addition to these 5 exercises, there are a large number of cardio exercises that can be included in an exercise routine, such as: jumping rope, jogging, walking, cycling, among others. Choosing to practice one or more of them will depend on the physical condition of the person.

If you are starting in the world of sports, I recommend you start with daily 30-minute walks and gradually increase the intensity until they are 30 minutes of jogging and then include routines with specific exercises. Remember that the transformation must be controlled and patiently.

Now we are going to know what is the step by step to correctly perform these 5 exercises that we have recommended:


5 exercises to lose weight – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Push-ups also known as push-ups are an exercise that directly involves the elbows and is performed upside down by lifting the body with the arms. To perform this exercise correctly, you must place your hands aligned at the height of the shoulders.

Then separate the fingers of the hands to be able to support your own weight, once you manage to be in this position, you are ready to perform the flexion. Now it is important that when you do the push-up, you remember to rotate your hands outwards, this will allow the rotation to be felt in the shoulders.

Strides with weight

5 exercises to lose weight – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Strides with weight

To perform weight strides correctly, you must follow these steps:

The first thing you will do is take a dumbbell in each of your hands, after that you should place the arms hanging close to the body. Once you have this initial position, both feet should be brought together, always keeping your back straight.

Pull your chest out, contract your abs and take a long step forward, then bend your knees and lower your body.

The knee that is positioned at the back should touch the ground. Both knees should be bent at 90º. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Rowing with weight

5 exercises to lose weight – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Rowing with weight

To perform this exercise to lose weight at home, the body must be placed in front of a bar, we hold on to it with the palms of the hands facing forward. When we are in that position, the knees and chest are tucked in, leaning back, so that the legs are under the bar.

The arms should be stretched until they are completely straight, the elbows are bent and the body raised up until the legs touch the bar. We return to the original position and repeat the exercise.


5 exercises to lose weight – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

To perform the squats we should start by positioning our feet next to each other, then we separate them respecting the width of the hips, the tips of the feet should be a little open and in the direction of the knees.

It is important that the weight of the body is on the heels, and not on the tips of the feet, this will avoid injuries.

To start the exercise we bring the hips back and the knees are flexed as if you were going to sit on a chair. Hold the position for a few seconds, return to the starting position and repeat.

jumping jack

5 exercises to lose weight – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
jumping jack

This is an exercise that consists of performing several repetitions of standing jumps, maintaining an upright position. The starting position is keeping the arms close to the body and legs.

Then a jump is made that allows both hands to be brought together above the head, keeping the legs apart. This means that the arms and legs open and close simultaneously and in full coordination.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
5 ejercicios para bajar de peso


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