All about Bananas

4 min de lectura

The banana is a tropical fruit, extremely rich in both vitamins and minerals. Its size can vary, as its color and firmness is covered by a shell that goes green, yellow or brown when it is very mature.

Origin of the banana

It belongs to the Musaceae family, this family includes raw edible bananas that are widely used as desserts or snacks and male bananas, the latter are larger and less sweet and usually they are used to cook them or make stews and soups.

All about Bananas – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

This delicious fruit had its origin in South Asia, and was known in the Mediterranean since 650 AD. This species of fruit was first brought to the Canary Islands in the 15th century; and it was from there that it was taken to America in 1516.

Both male and banana plantations are native to Southeast Asia and their crops have been taken to many regions of Central and South America.

At present the production of banana in the world is around 58 million tons and the main countries in production are South America, Central America and Asia.

Nutritious properties of Bananas

The banana has a number of beneficial properties for your body, that is why you should know what each of them is and what benefits they provide for your daily well-being.

All about Bananas – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

First, we will emphasize the high content of carbohydrates that this wonderful fruit has, because due to carbohydrates their caloric value is usually so high.

It is also possessing nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, folic acid and powerful astringent action substances. In addition, it gives our bodies fiber of the fruit-oligosaccharide type.

Nutritional information for plantain (mature)

100 gr of banana has:

Calories 85.2

Carbohydrates 20.8

Fiber 4 grams

Potassium 350mg

Magnesium 36,4mg

Provitamin A 18mcg

Vitamin C 11.5mcg

Folic acid 20mcg

Preparations with Bananas

Next we will give you to know some of the recipes that you can prepare with this delicious fruit.

French toast with banana (4 people)

Ingredients to use

- 2 bananas

- 250 g of milk of any quality

- 2 tablespoons of sugar

- a piece of lemon (only the skin)

- 2 eggs to coat

- 5 g of sugar to decorate and accompany

- 5 g ground cinnamon to decorate and accompany

Preparation mode

1- Place to cook the milk, vanilla and lemon peel until it boils and let it rest.

2- When it is added add the sugar and stir until dissolved.

3- With this mixture we soak the bread helping with a spoon, until it is well soaked and soft but without falling apart.

4- Next we peel and cut the plantains in an elongated way, equal to the size of the bread.

5- Cut the bananas and with the ready bread we proceed to wrap it with slices of bread in cylindrical form.

6- Then the loaves are passed through the beaten eggs, for this the bread must be previously drained.

7- We proceed to fry them in hot oil until they brown on all sides.

8- Once fried, drain them on a grill or tray and when they drain, serve and decorate sprinkling sugar and cinnamon.

Benefits for the health of Banana

These are some of the health benefits of banana:

All about Bananas – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

- Provides high levels of energy

- Excellent for lowering blood pressure thanks to its content of 13% potassium.

- It is perfect to improve the absorption of calcium in the bones, because of its high content of fructo-olgosaccharides

- Prevents muscle cramps.

- Help in the nervous and muscular function of our body.

-reduces the risk of heart disease and premenstrual symptoms.

- good for digestion due to its fiber content.

- keeps blood sugar levels within normal limits

- Contains catechins and delphinidins, natural antioxidants that help reduce breast and kidney cancer.

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