
3 min de lectura

Studies carried out by specialists have revealed that the "#Diclofenac or #Diclofenaco" it's a compound, which is used as an analgesic or anti-inflammatory, to relieve localized pain in some part of the human body.

As many people already know, painkillers, they are substances scientifically proven as pain relievers that minimize pain and in some cases, not to say in the majority, they disappear completely.

Diclofenac – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

According to the results of several investigations, they reported that Diclofenac potassium results from a formula that is rapidly absorbed. And it is highly recommended to treat inflammatory-type conditions such as; Inflammations in dentition, arthritis, post-traumatic or postoperative pain, among others.

There are different presentations; pills, syrups or drops and can be taken in doses of 100, 50 and 25 milligrams, and it is effective for acute pain. However, Diclofenac Sodium is not as effective in relieving the same type of pain.

Most common trade names

Diclofenac potassium and sodium is marketed in pharmacies around the world with generic names such as in countries:

Venezuela; as Cataflan, Voltaren, Klafenac and Diklason; In colombia; Diosaflex and artrites; in Spain: Voltraen, Luase, Dolotren, Cinfadol, Solaraze, Cinfadol; in Argentina: Velforte, Vesalion Dioxaflex, Oxa, Flexiplen, Metaflex, .among many others.

Differences between Diclofenac Sodium and Diclofenac potassium

There is no difference between one and another as such, their differences are that according to the information of the specialists, potassium is more quickly absorbed than sodium, in addition to this one is more effective than the other

On the other hand, it was also observed that even in its molecules the components are diclofenac, so potassium or sodium are going to be just salts that allow you to associate it. However, these differences are not clinically relevant.

Diclofenac – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

It is recommended to treat different types of pains. Such as; migraines, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, dysmenorrhea, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, menstrual colic, tonsillitis, kidney stones, dental inflammations, postoperative pain control, traumas, tendinitis, lumbago or pain in the joints and spine.

The recommended doses should be consulted by a specialist, this will be the ideal person to suggest the exact dose required in any of the pathologies, but without any clutch it could be known that their intake should not be prolonged for more than a week.

Some side effects of Diclofenac

For being an anti-inflammatory of its consumption without medical prescription, they will derive certain collateral effects such as: Joint pains, flatulence, headache, constipation, edema, itching of the skin, diarrhea, high blood pressure, dizziness, burning sensations in the stomach, among others.

Due to its continuous and prolonged use, it produces two even more serious effects; kidney failure and ulcers.

Some suggestions of precaution and contraindications

Should not be administered in any case in patients who have problems of allergies, asthma, surgery, heart failure, cardiovascular disease, gastritis, hypertension, heart failure, pregnancy, constant bleeding, suggestive bleeding, liver cirrhosis, hyperkalemia, among others.

To avoid any problem arising from its use in any of the cases you should always have the opinion of a specialist or your trusted doctor.

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