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Discover the benefits of meditation

Meditation is the key that unlocks the secrets within us

Leopoldo Ágreda Lovera
6 min de lectura
Discover the benefits of meditation – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Advantages of meditation.

In the western hemisphere of the world, it is not very common to practice meditation, since on this side of the planet, physical and material concerns can sometimes cloud our spiritual dimension.

However, this practice, very common in the East and in civilizations throughout history, can bring numerous benefits to your mental health, ranging from concentration and greater control of emotions, to finding self-knowledge, making us better people..

In this article, we will show you some advantages of meditation, so that you can include this wonderful habit in your day-to-day activities

Discover the secrets and benefits of meditation

What is meditation?

Meditation is mainly a mental practice, where through relaxation, concentration and interior visualization; we gain access to a deep knowledge of our interior and surroundings, managing, in turn, to increase our physical and mental capacities.

To perform meditation , certain previous steps must be followed, such as the prior relaxation of our body, access to a space of tranquility, and focus on what we are doing.

In the East, the practice of meditation is a method by which the person manages to connect with the universal energy; accessing the self-knowledge, which allows the knowledge of the whole; being able, in this way, to access Nirvana or Enlightenment.

In the West, the most striking approach is to relax the body and mind, to face the vicissitudes of everyday life; although meditation has many more applications than these.

This practice helps to focus the mind on a specific point, which can be the visualization of a comfortable place, or under the recitation of a mantra; both elements will be able to grant us the necessary means for an effective meditation.

An element that must be taken into account when meditating is patience, an element that should not be taken lightly, since the practice of meditation is very similar to physical training.

In this sense, it will not always be easy to access visualization, or its long-term benefits, magically, it is a practice that requires discipline, effort and consideration; although each time it is practiced, its instant benefits can be accessed to a greater or lesser degree.

How to learn to meditate?

Regardless of discipline or effort, meditation is accessible to anyone, however, if you still don't know how to meditate, these tips will come in handy.

  • Get a comfortable and quiet place: it is the first action you should do, since meditation requires mental concentration, and to access it, it is important to be in a quiet place; where nothing and no one bothers us.

  • Straight back: a straight back is a fundamental requirement for meditation. In the East, the position of crossed legs and a straight back is common, however, for Westerners this can be difficult; so any position with a straight back will be fine.

  • Concentrate on the breath: if it is your first time meditating, you will realize that the mind is distracted by anything; so it will be easier to meditate, if we observe our breathing. Concentrating on the breath is a secret to access meditation.

  • Short periods: at the beginning it is advisable to do it in short periods, between one to five minutes, and it can be extended to ten minutes. Little by little, you will feel better in the practice, and you will increase the time to meditate.

Reciting a mantra or saying a prayer is an optional recommendation, as some people might feel more comfortable meditating if they follow this last tip.

Why meditate can be beneficial for health?

In recent years, several scientists have taken on the task of determining the benefits of meditating from a scientific perspective; evaluating a large number of people, from those who had an ingrained habit of meditating, to those who had never done it.

These investigations were able to verify that during the period of meditation, our body substantially changes several of its physical functions, thanks to brain stimulation.

This brain stimulation manages to activate several brain areas, where different physiological processes take place, such as:

  • Cognitive processes.

  • Those related to the immune system.

  • The control of emotions.

These changes produced by meditation bring benefits on a mental, emotional and physiological level, which we will learn about below.

benefits of meditation

  • Strengthens the immune system : Motivated by the brain stimulation of meditation, scientists determined that after a period of practice (about 7 to 8 weeks), the body generates proteins and antibodies that strengthen the immune system.

  • Increased memory : It is one of the first advantages that can be appreciated, thanks to brain stimulation, which, together with the visualization exercise, manages to improve neural connections, helping us better retain our memories.

  • Greater concentration capacity : Like the previous point, it is another of the first benefits that can be perceived. This increase in concentration will produce an improvement in studies and work.

  • Relieves stress, depression and other psychological problems : meditating manages to lower the cortisol hormone, which is related to stress. Similarly, the brain tissues associated with depression, anxiety, etc., are reduced thanks to the exercise of meditation.

  • Stimulates self-knowledge : This might be the biggest benefit of meditation. Self-knowledge will lead us to understand ourselves, and what surrounds us; being able to be better people, knowing our own inner light and the darkness that is part of us.

The role of “God” in the effectiveness of meditation

To meditate it is not necessary to believe in God, as the fact confirms, of a good number of people, who exercise the practice of meditation, without believing in God, but still achieving access to its benefits.

However, within these scientific investigations, some researchers wondered: if the difference of believing or not in God produced any change in the benefits received from meditation.

The researchers realized that there is indeed a difference; people who had a spiritual vision of meditation managed to activate larger areas of their brain, especially in areas related to the spiritual and self-knowledge, unlike those who did not believe.

These results in the field of meditation have opened the doors to new research, to know at a scientific level, the spiritual dimension that all human beings possess.
