Healing properties of Fig

4 min read

Fig, a powerful natural remedy. besides being a sweet and tasty fruit, fig consumption is a good way to take care of our body.

Figs are rich in fiber, have little sodium and are low in calories, they only have around 37 calories per fresh fruit. By eating fresh fruit you have the feeling of fullness and that is why it is a great food that is introduced into the diets.

Healing properties of Fig – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

5 Healing properties of the Fig

Dried figs have a large amount of calcium, which helps calm the mind and reduce stress. Be careful not to exaggerate, because dry are more caloric than fresh.

Figs can solve problems such as sore throat, gingivitis, lack of energy and disposition, warts, in addition to bad breath.

Let's see together the five ways to use fig as a natural medicine.

Property #1 Gives energy and nourishes

The fig is rich in vitamins, especially A, B1, B2, B3 and C. Mineralizing, also thanks to the presence of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus and, therefore, strengthens the bones. It is also very nutritious, rich in sugar, especially if it is dry.

Healing properties of Fig – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

It provides energy and, therefore, is recommended for those who usually practice sports or some kind of heavy work, but it is also recommended for children, pregnant women and the elderly.

In addition, they are a valuable source of polyphenols, natural substances that play an important role in maintaining our health and preventing diseases.

Property #2 Helps improve digestion

To help and speed up your digestive process you can use figs, cut into pieces, in your salad.

The fig has a large amount of fibers that allows the stomach to digest meals more quickly. It is a good help for people who want to lose weight.

Do not be afraid, because figs do not fatten as you think, 100 grams of fresh figs have an average of 74 calories, because a large percentage, 80% of its composition, is water.

In addition, the substances present in the fig help to reduce the glycemic index of meals, to lengthen the feeling of satiety and also to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and colon cancer.

Property #3 Cure sore throat

To cure a sore throat a great resource is to make a tea of ​​figs. To prepare the tea it is enough to put one or two figs in the boiling water and leave them around 5 to 7 minutes in infusion.

After that filter and drink several times a day, your throat will improve very fast. It is also possible to drink tea to relieve the pain of the teeth, dry cough and decrease excess mucus.

Healing properties of Fig – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Property #4 To cure warts

Warts are one of the aesthetic problems when they are in the hands and when on the feet influence on a large scale the difficulty of putting on any shoe. When it is installed on the foot, the wart is so painful that it impedes the daily routine.

When the figs are still green, they produce milk with antiviral properties. You have to apply the fruit directly on the wart, rubbing and leaving to act for half an hour.

Repeat the application three times a week until the wart is gone. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to apply the fruit immediately after picking it up.

Property #5 To treat gingivitis

To cure gingivitis we recommend a good concentrated infusion with figs that have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect.

To prepare this tea, put 6 or 7 figs in the boiling water and leave them in infusion for about 3 days. after that time, use the water to gargle. Repeat this operation 5 times a day.

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