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How does psychotherapy influence me?

4 min de lectura

Nowadays, it is increasingly popular to hear about therapy, the modern world has brought with it a change in the conception of what going to therapy means to a greater or lesser extent.

Little by little the stigma around attending therapy has been reduced, so we invite you to learn more about therapy and its relevance today.

How does psychotherapy influence me? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

What is psychotherapy?

It is a procedure of a psychological nature that aims to improve psychological or psychiatric conditions that cause discomfort in subjects, in addition to promoting the achievement of changes or modifications in your behavior, your physical and mental health.

It works on all aspects of the human psyche such as the union of psychological identity, interpersonal relationships with the couple, the family nucleus and other relevant people for the individual.

The psychotherapy session usually lasts approximately fifty minutes in which individuals are treated in a personalized way by a certified specialist in psychology or psychiatry and in which they will have the possibility of exploring the discomfort or reason that prompted them to attend.

There are several methodologies in which the practice can be sustained so that a successful psychotherapy can be developed, that is, one that leads to a positive and lasting change in the quality of life.

All these theoretical frameworks are born from some school of psychology, which are the enormous schools of thought and elementary inquiry from which an extensive plurality of grounded therapeutic approaches, so that each therapist has a unique approach and style of therapy depending on the school to which they identify.

What are the goals of psychotherapy?

Because there are different schools that support styles in psychotherapy, these are also relevant when defining the objectives of therapy, in general the psychotherapist accompanies and guides you on the path of discovering your own needs and the reasons for your problem.

Therapy gives you a climate of trust so that you learn to find the answers in yourself and so that you become aware of all your choices and thus choose to improve the quality of your life.

More specifically, it can be emphasized that the objective of cognitive therapy is to change the thinking patterns and the processes with which the person relates to them. For behavior therapy or behavioral therapy the main objective is the modification and functionality of the behavior.

In cognitive-behavioral therapy, the two previous approaches are mixed, resulting in a complemented approach that seeks to change both the way we think and process and the way we behave as a result of the above.

Humanistic therapy aims to achieve a creative adjustment in the relationship that the individual establishes with the rest of the elements that surround his life and aiming to focus it on the present and positive practices.

And as for psychodynamic orientation therapy, it seeks to explore the unconscious elements of the individual that make him act the way he does and produce discomfort to resignify said experience.

When should I go to psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy can help anyone who wants to start in it and who is committed to the process of growth and mental health, however it is a fact that those people who present a large amount of anguish or symptoms of a mental disorder should attend.

It is advisable to attend with a psychotherapist if:

  • You have suffered from a loss or grief of a significant person, and you feel that this prevents you from moving forward.

  • You feel an attack of anger, and it is difficult for you to resort to dialogue as a way to express your emotions, which seriously damages your relationships with others.

  • You are or have been the victim of physical, sexual or psychological assault.

  • The days seem monotonous to you, they seem pointless, your routine bores you, and you feel that your life lacks vitality and purpose.

  • You experience insomnia, digestive, sexual, and cardiovascular problems caused by what you recognize as stress.

  • You feel isolated, alone, misunderstood, and distrustful.

  • You are interested in attending therapy.

The therapy relieves discomfort, minimizes the possibility of relapses and improves quality of life, promoting adaptive management and establishing healthy lifestyle habits.
