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How to have a low-carb diet

4 min de lectura

A low carbohydrate diet is one in which a high percentage of energy is obtained from the fats consumed and not from carbohydrates.

For a diet to be called low in carbohydrates, it must contain only 130 grams of carbohydrates per day, providing approximately 26% of energy to the body in this way.

If we consume a lower amount of carbohydrates, it is called a ketogenic diet, it contains approximately only 20 and 50 grams per day. This is an efficient diet to lose weight, reduce inflammation and control blood glucose levels.

How to have a low-carb diet – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Low-carb diet

Benefits of a low carbohydrate diet:

  • Increases the feeling of satiety: The fats and proteins that we consume in this diet are of a slower absorption, so we have more energy in the day for a longer time, and we feel less hungry.

  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases: Because it contributes to better levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • Regulates sugar levels: Most foods high in carbohydrates are also high in sugars, when you stop consuming them, the level of sugar that is introduced into the body is controlled.

  • Helps the intestine: Since it contains many foods rich in fiber that stimulate its proper functioning.

  • Stimulates weight loss: Controlling sugars, foods rich in fiber, and reducing calories promote weight loss.

  • Prevents fluid retention : This diet has properties that regulate diuretic functioning which prevents the accumulation of fluids in the body.

What foods to eat on a low carbohydrate diet?

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably in season, these are a great source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals for your body.

  • Low fat proteins, white fish and chicken are especially recommended.

  • Eggs and cheese.

  • Extra virgin olive oil instead of other vegetable oils, or better yet coconut oil.

  • Include nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts.

  • Add seeds in general and whole grains.

  • Drinks without added sugar.

Avoid the following foods:

  • Refined sugar or any food or drink that contains it.

  • Non-wholegrain flours or derivatives.

  • Foods high in trans fat such as fried foods or pre-cooked meals.

  • Processed meats such as cold cuts, sausage, ham, etc.

  • Non-wholegrain rice or pasta.

  • Oatmeal, navy beans, or chickpeas.

A diet low in carbohydrates does not imply the total elimination of these.

If you want to integrate a carbohydrate of your choice in a dish such as potatoes, you can do so, you should only take into account that in the following dishes you must balance the consumption so as not to exceed the recommended daily carbohydrate measure.

Here is a delicious low-carbohydrate recipe that will provide you with many nutrients and energy.

The recipes that you can include in a low carbohydrate diet

For the preparation we will need:

  • 700 grams of chicken breast

  • 1 chopped onion

  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut or olive oil

  • 200 grams of grated carrot

  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder

  • 1 tablespoon sweet paprika

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 pinch of turmeric

  • 1 large cauliflower

  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt

  • Half a tablespoon of ground black pepper

  • Basil to taste

How to have a low-carb diet – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Cauliflower rice with chicken

Steps to follow:

  • In a large skillet add the oil and heat

  • Once hot add the chopped onion and fry it until transparent

  • Add the chopped chicken breast in squares

  • Stir the ingredients in the pan and add water, then cover the pot and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  • It's time to season with the salt and spices

  • Then add the grated carrot and lemon juice

  • Then cook for 5 more minutes, turn off the heat and reserve

For the cauliflower rice:

  • Put the cauliflower in a food processor and slice until it is like rice, if you do not have a food processor you can do this step with a knife, finely chopping it.

  • Add the cauliflower chopped to a frying pan and fry for a few minutes

  • Add 2 tablespoons of water, season with salt and spices to taste and cook for approximately 10 minutes, stirring the mixture from time to time until it turns a golden color.

  • Remove the cauliflower rice from the heat, serve it alongside the chicken, and our recipe is ready to enjoy.
