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How to identify if you are in a toxic relationship?

5 min de lectura

It is more common than we think to have toxic relationships, because it is very easy for a relationship to generate these conflicts that hurt us, so we will teach you how to identify if you are in a toxic relationship and what you can do.

During this type of relationship, both people are subjected to enormous emotional wear and tear, because they fight day after day to rescue their relationship, although they are unable to prevent themselves from hurting themselves.

It is complex to identify that we are in a toxic relationship, since the discomfort is diffuse and indescribable, it is not easily visible.

If the interaction in which you find yourself in one way or another makes you feel judged, devalued, manipulated, threatened, harassed, mistreated, or you feel a diffuse emptiness, you should ask yourself if this relationship is toxic.

How to identify if you are in a toxic relationship? – Wellness and Health
In toxic relationships, one of its members repeatedly induces the other to blame

What is a toxic interaction?

A toxic relationship It is one in which the two people constantly suffer for the other and there are more moments of discomfort than those who really enjoy.

Toxic people are motivated to have complete control and all the power in the interaction, generating an unequal relationship in which one of the members is more benefited than the other, and it is evident that they are not on the same level.

They are unable to achieve equal treatment and there is no effective communication, part of the couple is not taken into account and is manipulated.

How do I know if I am in a toxic relationship?

As we mentioned, it is not so simple to realize if we are in a toxic relationship because the signals can be very discreet, pay close attention to how you feel and your feelings around your partner and the interaction.

In toxic relationships, feeling that we are not enough to find a better partner, or we do not deserve it, we believe that we should stay there, so it can be difficult to get out or overcome this situation.

An important point to recognize if our reaction is toxic is emotional dependence, which refers to obsessive attachment to the partner, which prevents the development of a healthy and full interaction.

This characteristic causes a person to be unable to leave their partner for fear of being left alone, so they are tolerant of any situation.

Within the same interaction we must be attentive to situations in which we feel that we are denigrated, it can be a sign that your relationship is toxic if continuously:

  • They keep judging your capabilities

  • Puts you in question

  • There are mockeries towards you

  • All of this goes unnoticed by your partner, or they detract from it.

Commonly it also tends to happen that once your partner gets angry they stay that way for several days, as this serves as emotional blackmail, which results in not expressing your opinions and thoughts again, so that the other does not get angry.

How to identify if you are in a toxic relationship? – Wellness and Health
Toxic relationship

In toxic relationships, one of its members repeatedly induces the other to blame, with the aim of gaining control over it and raising its criteria higher than the other.

In addition, one of its members excessively controls his partner, deteriorating self-esteem and stability with his obsessive jealousy.

Sometimes these people can even become physical abusers.

What can I do about it?

1. Accept that you are in a toxic interaction

The first step is always to recognize, from there you can start and improve, you must admit that you have a toxic relationship that you do not do well, that is not healthy and in which you are not happy.

2. Reconcile with your loneliness

As the saying goes, it is better to be alone than in bad company, learn to know and love yourself, do not stay in the relationship just for fear of being alone. Also, you don't have to be alone, leans on your family and closest friends.

Once you accept and realize that you are in a destructive interaction; perhaps your fear will not let you continue to make choices. However, remember that many people have lived and continue to live the same as you.

3. Strengthen your self-esteem

Recover what you lost, those things that you liked and left behind or changed for your partner, pamper yourself and remind yourself of how important you are and the value you have.

4. Accept your emotions

Overcoming a toxic interaction will never be simple, you must put a lot on your part and be convinced that this is for your good, surely you will experience many emotions that will not make you feel good, but remember that you will not be this way all your life, feel and express your emotions freely.

Do not hesitate to go to a psychologist if you feel that you need support and guidance to overcome this break.
