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New Year New Life? 7 tips to improve your health in 2022

The arrival of 2022 brings with it the hope of another beginning, as well as the joy of commemorating what was and what is yet to come.
After a year of renewal for some and difficulties for others, the truth is that there are 365 more days to apply new habits. Hand in hand with them, surely life will change favorably as far as health is concerned.
Top 7 tips to improve your quality of life in 2022
Since 2020, the health field has become more important in every sense. The establishment of the COVID-19 pandemic was a fact that marked a before and after in humanity.
Due to it and its associated consequences, there was no one who was not affected by them. As a result, today there is much more emphasis on caring for well-being in order to increase the quality of life.
Hand in hand with these 7 tips set out below, it will be possible to achieve such a task:
2021 made it clear that mental health is essential
The deterioration of the mind and the exacerbation of psychological illnesses were a direct result of the joint confinement to the dire global health situation.
According to studies carried out by PAHO (Pan American Health Organization), it was concluded that fear, worry and stress were the main triggers.
For this reason, taking care of the mind has ceased to be a taboo to become a priority. In this way, it will be possible to avoid or cope with post-traumatic, depressive and anxiety disorders.
Likewise, it will contribute to the prevention of severe mental clinical manifestations that may threaten the integrity of the individual.

It is even advisable to treat the mind even without taking into account the COVID-19 factor. Simone Biles, considered the best artistic gymnast and Olympic medalist in the United States, stressed how important it is to take charge of the mind. Being a sportsman, office worker, doctor, engineer, electrician or simply as a human being, it should not be overlooked.
New diets and nutritional plans that can be easily adopted
Overweight and obesity continue to occupy the first places as metabolic diseases that threaten the life of the person.
The excessive accumulation of adipose tissue (fat) at the body level, according to the WHO (World Health Organization) is harmful to the body's systems.
The epidemic of this metabolic disorder can be considered much more deadly than COVID-19. Starting from that scoop, it is recommended to start 2022 with the wise advice of a nutritionist.
To date, there is evidence of new methods in fully bearable nutritional programs.
A diet does not necessarily mean eating healthy, but not very tasty. Rather, it is about adjusting the portions based on variables such as weight and age.
Also, it allows you to replace foods with healthier ones in favor of a balanced and high nutritional value diet. In summary, you can eat food with a good taste and with a high effective nutritional level.
Drinking water is an act that cannot be neglected
From the moment of birth, the human body has about 70% water in total. Later, as one advances into adulthood, the figure decreases to about 60%.
It means that it is a vital liquid to cope with the different physiological, metabolic and cellular processes in the body. Without its regular consumption, not only the normal function of the individual is affected, but that of certain organs.
Some of them, such as the heart, kidneys and even the intestine itself are the main affected by its misuse. By 2022, drinking up to 2 liters of water a day is recommended with respect to international guidelines.
Exercise, exercise and more exercise
Although it may sound like repetitive advice, it is more than proven that exercise prevents the onset of chronic diseases. Recently, it has also been established that confinement plus the boom in delivery services have favored a sedentary lifestyle and lack of mobility.

As a consequence, alarms have been set off regarding what such a situation may cause at the public health level. The year 2022 is one more opportunity to update the body in every aspect.
Just training or practicing sports for 45 minutes to 2 hours a day is more than enough to improve.
Do not fall into situations of insomnia
For the body to perform its normal functioning, it not only depends on the physical state. The mind, nutrition, exercise and a good rest are a key unit so that everything is coordinated.
Although people are commonly subjected to the routine of work where staying up is a reality, it cannot become a habit. Otherwise, the balance may be affected and the other components of the body will begin to fail.
At the same time, during the night, upon reaching the corresponding hours of sleep, certain hormones and substances are released that promote cell function.
Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a day at night is more beneficial than it seems. The absence of a good sleep schedule can be more counterproductive than you think.
Meditation as a new method towards total well-being
Over the years, it has been scientifically proven that knowing and listening to the body reduces the incidence of bad practices. It also allows you to recognize when something is wrong and thus act quickly in order to solve any inconvenience.
Also, among some of the advantages it provides, is to drain any negative energy that invades the mind. Thus, feelings of stress, anxiety and other small disorders can be overcome without leaving significant consequences.
Staying away from toxic substances will make a difference
As is well known, the consumption of certain substances such as alcohol or cigarettes is common in everyday life or social gatherings. There is a limit for everything that must not be exceeded to avoid falling into vices that are harmful to health.

Smoking is another of the biopsychosocial conditions that triggers major serious respiratory diseases. Among the most prominent, lung cancer, pulmonary emphysema, and others of cardiac origin such as coronary heart disease, are a direct result of it.
Although it is understandable that it is a long process to overcome such a habit, it does not mean that it is totally impossible.
Today there is evidence of great practices and social supports that support the possibility of overcoming addictions. In 2022, it is the ideal time to be open to reduce and completely eradicate excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes / tobacco.