Pain in the pit of the stomach

2 min de lectura

Most people associate a pain in the stomach mouth as a result of nerves or stress.

At least once in the semester all people suffer from this type of pain, since it is a pain that occurs with a lot of daily life and gastroenterological consultations are based in these cases at least 30 percent of this pain.

Pain in the pit of the stomach – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

However, a pain in the mouth of the stomach can mean different things depending on the pain intensity, duration and if they have other accompanying symptoms.

The causes of pain in the mouth of the stomach, there may be many, among the most common are the nerves which is in fact the most common cause since the stomach synthesizes the feeling of anxiety and stress who receives the body.

Gases are another cause of this type of pain due to poor digestion, intolerance of some food, among other things, heartburn product of people suffering from gastroesophageal reflux are also one of the major causes pain in the mouth of the stomach.

As well as the intake of some drugs, ulcers, irritable bowel, among others.

The treatments for the pain in the mouth of the stomach will depend on the direct cause of the pain, there are natural and other types of solutions.

The best known natural treatments are the infusions of some plants that relieve pain and at the same time refresh the mouth of the stomach, also a change in the diet helps to improve symptoms.

Other types of treatments for stomach pain include medication specially designed to treat the root cause that is causing the pain, once identified through medical studies.

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