Pain when urinating?
Pain when urinating refers to any discomfort or sensation and burning when urinating, these discomforts can be felt when the urine is going to leave our body or also internally, either behind the pubis, bladder or prostate.
This pain is more common than you think, and generally those who suffer from it may feel like urinating more often.

Pain when urinating without infection
When these cases of pain or burning occur when urinating it can be caused by a urinary infection, however, not in all cases is that the cause.
In the case of women when they present these discomfort should go to the doctor to establish the cause, the first thing that will be the specialist in the subject, will check if the patient has a sexually active life and if the discomfort began after the end of the sexual relationship or 3 or 4 days after having had it.
The stinging or pain when urinating is a disease commonly more frequent in women, than in men. This, because the urinary conduit of women is more cut than that of man and because of this, is
If the discomfort started after the sexual relationship ended, his diagnosis would be that an inflammation was generated by a blow, that is, that the sexual relationship as such was very strong or sudden, causing a blow to the urethra and causing inflammation. In this case after two or three days, the inflammation passes and if the pain is very strong the doctor will prescribe an anti-inflammatory.
If, on the contrary, after three or four days of having had sexual intercourse, the discomfort begins, this would be caused by an infection and already in these cases are treated with antibiotics.
Pain when urinating and bleeding when doing it
This case is known as hematuria, which refers to the presence of blood in the urine, this is one of the most recurrent cases in emergency rooms.

The presence of blood in the urine can occur from multiple causes, this blood can be manifested from all points of the urinary tract, that is to say that it begins with the kidney, pass through the urethra, which are the tubes that connect the kidney with the bladder, the own bladder that stores the urine and the urethra that is in charge of expelling the urine.
In any of these journeys a lesson can be generated that provoke the person bleeding or hematuria.
In case of children should pay attention to any type of bleeding that is present, because this can be caused by tumor cases.
Itching when urinating, also known as dysuria, is usually caused by some type of urinary infection of an inflammatory nature. It is a disease that mainly affects women, which is not
In the elderly they are generated by multiple diseases. The mildest or initial cause of a hematuria would be a urinary infection and already in more complex cases polyps in the bladder or severe cases of tumors.
If you have bleeding in the urine you should go to the specialist, which in this case is the urologist, who will do the respective analysis to determine the cause of the bleeding.
Some exams that the doctor can perform are:
Urine analysis.Blood test Cystoscopies
Depending on the case, the specialist will recommend what to do and what treatment to follow.
Recommendations to cure pain when urinating
Some recommendations you can follow to improve these discomforts are:
1- Increase in water intake: the increase in water consumption will progressively decrease pain during urination. Since it washes the bacteria or agents that cause the pain and will help its expulsion. In addition to avoiding dehydration and improve the condition to urinate.
2- Hot compresses: the heat progressively minimizes the inflammation of the bladder, thus reducing pain; put the compress on the abdomen for 5 minutes and remove.
3- Apple cider vinegar: this vinegar has anti-bacterial and fungicidal properties, which is why they are perfect to fight the infection if it is the case of your discomfort. It is also perfect for regulating the normal PH of the body.
Diuresis, occurs when the organism it expels the liquids resulting from the process of the kidneys. This is extremely important because the kidneys have the function of purifying and
4- Sodium bicarbonate: this alkaline compound helps reduce the acidity of urine. Pour a tablespoon of baking soda into a glass of water, dissolve it and take it on an empty stomach for a week.
5- Natural yogurt without sugar: these yogurts help keep the bad bacteria in limits and also promote the growth of healthy bacteria. Fighting any infection and keeping the PH stable. Eat it 2 to 3 times a day or dip a tampon in the yogurt and introduce it into the vagina for a lax time of two hours.
6- Lemon juice: its alkaline effect and its antibacterial and antiviral properties help to prevent these problems. Take a glass of warm water with lemon juice and honey every morning.
7- Ginger: it has perfect antibacterial properties to fight the bacteria. Drink ginger twice a day.
We hope that this article has been of great help to you and will help you to treat and prevent these problems.