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Pros and Cons of a vegan life
Veganism, a new way of life that seeks to eliminate cruelty towards the animal world.
Are you considering a vegan lifestyle and you do not know what the principles it encompasses? Well, through this article I want to teach you what the vegan life is, and what are its advantages and disadvantages.
Veganism is a life trend that many adopt for physical or moral reasons.
Some studies have shown that the vegan diet can be very stimulating for the body.
This way of life includes a moral reason for protecting the environment, and a healthy lifestyle.
However, it is also believed that this diet may pose some risks to the body.
What is a vegan life?
It is important to know that the consumption of animals is the main cause of many problems in the world; and the vegetable-style diet is a concrete solution to solve these problems.
The vegan lifestyle starts from the consumption of foods of plant origin, which eliminates foods of animal origin, in order to end suffering and reduce the ecological impact.
Despite the fact that in recent years this style has been marked in society, this way of life has about 6 thousand years of history, which began with the concept of vegetarianism initiated by the Hindu culture.
The vegan life starts from the principle of a healthy diet, where social awareness can be generated about respecting animal life, and thus reduce animal exploitation.
Types of vegetarians and their diet
You have to know the difference between vegetarian and vegan.
The vegetarian appropriates all diets that do not include fish, meat or chicken, but is allowed to eat eggs, milk and honey. While the vegan is more demanding and excludes everything that has to do with animal exploitation from his life.
In this way, the vegan lifestyle can be divided into the following types:
Ovo-vegetarianism: In this type of vegan diet, people who practice it do not consume foods of animal origin, except for eggs.
In general, in this style, people prefer free-range eggs, or organic, other than caged hens.
Lacto-vegetarianism: It is a diet that includes dairy products such as milk, cheese, and butter.
But it excludes the consumption of meats. This style is maintained in religions such as: Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism.
Dietary veganism: This is a sub type of the vegetarian diet that consists of avoiding foods of animal origin. It is a stricter style that prohibits the consumption of eggs, dairy and honey.
Ethical veganism: This form includes a complete abstinence from products of animal origin, and any element that includes the exploitation of these living beings. From clothing, footwear, or food.
Pescetarian: In this diet people avoid the consumption of meat, but if they incorporate the intake of fish in their dishes.
Vegetables: They only consume vegetables in their diet.
Flexitarian: It is a plant-based diet, but sometimes it includes meat in the diet. In general, these people limit their consumption of foods of animal origin.
Benefits of a vegan diet
These are some of the benefits of a vegan diet for the body.
1.- They generate nutritional value for your body
When you go to vegan diets, you should know that these are sources of fiber, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, C, and E.
They are generally full of essential nutrients, and in the absence of meats, you can combine with other vegetables that provide the necessary protein.
Likewise, iron also plays an important role in the body, and in the vegan diet it is accompanied by beans, broccoli, raisins and wheat.
2.- Helps prevent diseases
As this diet contains less saturated fats, it can be said that they help prevent heart disease, or those that are caused by the Western diet.
A vegan diet has been proven to help prevent diseases such as hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and constipation.
3.- They have a slimming effect
Another advantage of the vegan diet is that they have a lower body mass index than a normal diet.
This diet is usually more effective than other mixed weight loss diets. Vegan foods can be high in antioxidants and diuretics, very healthy for health.
4.- Improves physical performance
The number of athletes who adhere to the vegan style continues to increase; and this is because the diet can also be rich in fats, vitamins, and minerals, which improve athletic performance.
Sisters Venus and Serena Williams, world tennis stars, are great athletes who defend the vegan lifestyle, as a way of life that improves athletic performance.
5.- They improve the mood
Much research has revealed that people who emphasize a vegan diet may be happier than those who participate in a carnivorous diet.
Vegetarians and vegans have lower scores on depression tests and mood profiles.
Also, it has been proven that plant- based dishes can help purify our minds, and help maintain positive thoughts.
What are the disadvantages of a vegan diet?
Although the vegan diet has amazing benefits for the body, it is also known that it can generate a deficit in the body.
For example, a vegan diet may be lacking in protein, vitamin, or calcium; as well as lacking in vitamin B12 which is essential for neuronal development.
In some cases, it has been proven that a vegan diet prevents the absorption of minerals, and its low intake of animal proteins, can weaken the body.
What to eat in a vegan diet?
A vegan diet opens up a world of culinary possibilities, which is based on creativity to incorporate foods of plant origin, and substitute foods of animal origin.
In this type of diet, vegetables and fruits are necessary, among the recipes include dishes with tomato, pumpkin, garlic, berries, melons, oranges and foods with a high dose of fiber and minerals.
Legumes are another important source in the vegan diet, such as lentils, peas, beans and soybeans.
On the other hand, whole grains and cereals such as oats are also usually part of the main dishes.
And the best alternative for meat consumption may be through tofu.
As you will see, the vegan diet has many alternatives, so combining it is not difficult. If you want to participate in this way of life, you just have to be very disciplined and use all the principles.