Treatment for psoriasis on the scalp
Psoriasis is a red, itchy skin disease. It is characterized by the formation of scales and generally the area where it usually appears is on the scalp. We know that people who suffer from it are continually looking for ways to control and cure it.
In this article, we will talk about treatments that you can perform to improve the situation.

When treatment is started for the presence of psoriasis on the scalp, it is intended to relieve symptoms and prevent infection from occurring. There are currently 3 types of treatments, which are:
Topical treatments: These make use of creams, lotions, shampoo and all kinds of products that are applied directly to the skin. These, in general, are the most recommended by specialists since they act directly on the affected area.
Products that have vitamin A or D are also used and, together with the shampoo, the use of a moisturizer is alternated.
La psoriasis es una enfermedad crónica de la piel que es muy común, es decir, en alrededor del 2-3% de la población occidental. Usted puede identificar la psoriasis por los puntos planos con
Generalized treatments: When the degree of psoriasis is very severe, the doctor usually advises this type of treatment. It consists of the application of injections and / or pills.
On the market there are many drugs to treat psoriasis, among them those that contain the antibody called adalimumab.
Phototherapy: In this type of treatment, the affected person exposes the affected area to ultraviolet light. Sometimes, the specialist recommends taking a drug that increases the sensitivity of the skin to light, in order to take much more advantage of the treatment.
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With these treatments you can improve psoriasis of the scalp, although you can also use it for lesions that appear on different parts of the body. They should be clear that psoriasis can sometimes disappear, but most likely it will reappear.