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Military training at home: do you have what it takes?

Military training at home is characterized by presenting exercises with high physical and mental demands.

The main objective of military training at home is for the person to have a functional body in adverse environmental situations. In that sense, you will seek to increase endurance, strength and flexibility, in addition to testing your mental strength.

There are different routines that we can put to the test in our home, but taking into account that they have a much higher level of difficulty. It means then that we must have prior preparation in the world of exercise, since it is not exactly for beginners.

Summary of military training routine

The idea of a military exercise routine is that you can intensely work all the muscles of the body. That is, it is practically like a HIIT or CrossFit type training.

Therefore, the warm-up or stretching period before starting training is of great importance. The importance of this lies in the prevention of muscle injuries that can affect our performance.

Likewise, it will allow us to keep our body warm, in order to be able to perform the exercises with greater fluidity. It means then that we must not forget any part or body area, so we must warm up from the neck to the feet.

Getting into the matter, the summary of military training at home for women and men, will consist of the following:

  1. It lasts 4 weeks.

  2. 3 days of training per week.

  3. Exercises of high intensity and physical demand.

  4. It will seek to increase strength, cardiovascular capacity and fat burning.

  5. The material needed is a pull-up bar, bars and plates.

Day 1

Since this is the first day of the military training routine, it will consist of the most intense exercises and periods. Therefore, we must be mentally prepared to continue regardless of fatigue.

The great difficulty comes in the rest interval between each exercise, where depending on each person, it should be as short as possible. Everything, with the aim of finishing with day 1 as quickly as possible.

With regard to rest time, it is important not to exceed two minutes between each series. The minimum, and ideal, would be a period of 30 seconds, only if you feel capable. That is why, it is best to have a stopwatch at hand, to know our progress over time. The routine is as follows:

  1. 7 sets of kipping pull -ups to failure.

  2. 3 sets of pull- ups to failure.

  3. 5x15 push-ups.

  4. 3x10 diamond push-ups.

  5. 3x10 handstand push-ups.

  6. 3x15 abdominals bringing the knee to the elbows.

  7. 1 x 100 crossfit crunches.

Day 2

On day 2, the demand increases, since the exercises will be focused mainly on the leg muscles. In addition, the rest time will also be different, since we will now work from strength, where we need more rest.

So, for the first exercise, which would be the squat, the rest will be between 3 to 5 minutes for each series. This, taking into account that we will have a greater amount of force for each weightlifting.

Then, for the remaining exercises, the rest will drop to a minute and a half between each series, where resistance, strength and hypertrophy will be worked on. The routine would be the following:

  1. 5x5 barbell squats, with the weight at 80% of our 1RM.

  2. 3x10 barbell front squat.

  3. 3x10 overhead squat.

  4. 3x20 jumping strides.

  5. 3x20 barbell crunch.

  6. 3x10 floop wiper.

Day 3 and last of military training at home women

Similar to the first day of training, what will be sought on the last day is to work on cardiovascular capacity again, but in a more demanding way.

The difficulty of this day is that the training will last 15 minutes, which must be done without interruptions, as long as the body allows it. Indeed, the rest time between each series should be as short as possible, in order to increase cardiovascular resistance.

The ideal is, again, to use a stopwatch so that we can see our progress over time, which will be a great motivation. The routine would be a circuit of maximum laps in a period of 15 minutes, doing the following:

  1. 10 pushes press with a weight of 45-30 kg.

  2. 7 pull-ups to the chest.

  3. 20 jumps to a box or high surface.

Usefulness of military training at home

There are many people who implement a military training routine at home, where it is suitable for both women and men. They have the ability to greatly improve the physical virtues of the person, especially their cardiovascular resistance.

But, not only that, but in the process they also gain strength, burn fat and increase their muscles. Of course, it is important to complement it with a good diet, in order to replenish the caloric expenditure that high-intensity training entails.

In other words, physical training would be nothing without a balanced diet, which should be rich in proteins that help muscle regeneration. In turn, it must include a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, which are a source of fiber necessary for the acquisition of energy.

In the end, the results will be to your liking, as long as you have the necessary patience and discipline, since the results are not immediate.

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