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Fiber foods to include in your diet

6 min de lectura
Fiber foods to include in your diet – Health – WebMediums
A balanced diet should be rich in vitamins and minerals.

A balanced diet is characterized by having in mind the vitamins and nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. In that sense, foods with fiber such as fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, are one of the main nutritional sources that exist.

And not only that, but also, fiber provides another series of benefits to the person's health, especially to combat constipation. Continue reading to know more details about it.

First of all, what is dietary fiber?

Basically, it is the component of plant foods that cannot be digested or absorbed by the small intestine.

In this aspect, they are totally different from other components such as fats, proteins or carbohydrates, which are fully absorbed by the intestine.

It can be said then that the fiber passes practically intact through the stomach, which helps constipation and diarrhea. On the other hand, it also has the ability to regulate cholesterol levels.

What are fiber foods good for?

Generally, the improvement in constipation is only attributed to high-fiber diets, but the truth is that they provide more benefits.

Control cholesterol levels

In particular, the fiber present in foods such as beans, oatmeal, flaxseed or oat bran, reduce the level of cholesterol present in the blood.

They also help improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and inflammation.

Regulates the level of sugar in the blood

For patients with diabetes, a diet with fiber is recommended as it slows down the absorption of sugar. In this way, it improves the ranges present in the bloodstream.

Similarly, it helps people prevent and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Allows weight control

High-volume fiber foods help people control their body weight to stay within healthy ranges.

It is because one of its virtues is that it gives a feeling of filling much faster, preventing it from being eaten too much. It means that you will eat less food, but you will stay satiated for longer.

High fiber foods

Fiber has the ability to contribute to a much higher volume diet, especially given the large number of foods in which it is present.

In turn, it provides the person with a feeling of satiety more quickly. Therefore, it is the ideal supplement for those looking to lose weight.

Vegetables, legumes and nuts

Among the foods with the highest sources of fiber in its entirety, are vegetables, legumes and nuts. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals for different functions in the human body.

Fiber foods to include in your diet – Health – WebMediums
Vegetables, legumes and nuts are high in fiber.

Even vegetables are the ones with the highest fiber content within the wide variety of foods, in addition to being completely natural. It is for this reason that it is recommended to increase the intake of:

  1. Lettuce, chard, carrots and spinach.

  2. Asparagus, beets, mushrooms, turnips and pumpkin; all cooked.

  3. Baked potatoes and sweet potatoes.

  4. Broccoli, artichokes and green beans.

Also, legumes can be included, which have a high amount of fiber that can complement the diet. Some of the most common are:

  1. Lentils, black beans, dry peas.

  2. Red beans, broad beans and chickpeas.

Finally, one of the most versatile foods are nuts, since they also have a high vegetable protein value. In this way, they are able to provide a huge value of calories from a small amount. Within this category we have:

  1. Sunflower seeds.

  2. Almonds and pistachios.

  3. Walnuts and pecans.


Within any diet, the intake of fruits cannot be missing due to its contribution of essential nutrients for the body.

Fiber foods to include in your diet – Health – WebMediums
Fruits are essential in any eating plan.

But, little is said about its high value in fiber, which allows to combat the signs of constipation. The main fruits that have a high fiber content are:

  1. Apples, pears and peaches.

  2. Tangerines, kiwi and bananas.

  3. Plums and berries.

  4. Figs and any other dehydrated fruit.

The advantage of fruits is that they are foods that can be consumed during any stage of the day. Indeed, they can function as a snack since they also provide high energy values.


Cereals and products derived from wheat are fundamental elements in a food plan. Above all, because of its high volume of fiber.

Fiber foods to include in your diet – Health – WebMediums
Whole grains are the main contributors of fiber.

Among the most prominent fiber foods, the main one is brown rice, but there are other alternatives, such as:

  1. Oatmeal and flour.

  2. Wholemeal bread.

  3. Quinoa.

  4. Popcorn.

  5. Fiber-rich cereals such as bran, shredded and puffed wheat.

  6. Wholemeal pasta.

How should fiber foods be eaten?

Once you have in mind which are the foods that have the highest value of fiber, the important thing is to know how to implement them in the diet.

Within the food plan, the most recommended by the experts is that it be as varied as possible. In other words, try, as far as possible, that the food is not the same.

Indeed, the recommended portions, taking into account the foods that provide the most fiber, would be the following:

  1. From 2 to 3 daily servings of greens and vegetables.

  2. At least 2 or 3 proportions a day of fruit.

  3. A week, eat at least 6 servings of cereals, where whole grains predominate.

  4. About 3 or 4 legume supplies.

But, most crucially, with intakes of adequate amounts of fiber, it must be supplemented with proportional fluid intake. In this way, they promote a better passage of food through the intestinal pathways.

How much fiber should be consumed?

The specific amount will depend on the characteristics of the person, especially their age and if they have any health conditions.

However, a general value suggests that, for men over 51 years of age, an intake of 30 grams of fiber is recommended. On the other hand, for women within the same age range, it should be around 21 grams.

Fiber foods to include in your diet – Health – WebMediums
Fiber provides a long list of health benefits.

On the other hand, for men under 50 years of age, the consumption should be 38 grams. In the case of women, they must eat foods with fiber to reach a value of 25 grams.
