Pelvic pain in pregnancy

4 min read

Pelvic pain in pregnancy at what stage does it appear? feeling pain is very common in the life of a pregnant woman, right? During the nine months it seems that these pains change place and pass through different parts of the pregnant woman's body.

One of the ones that generates more discomfort and more doubts is the pelvic pain in pregnancy.
Pelvic pain in pregnancy – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

That pain in the waist region, crotch, near the hip, reaches moments of becoming unbearable, almost paralyzing in some women. Probably, if you are pregnant or have been, you have suffered a bit with this type of pain.

Why is there pelvic pain in pregnancy?

There are some reasons that cause this pain during the gestation period. The first suit is the own increase of the uterus, which tightens the bones of the waist, crotch and lumbar region and generates that pain.

That can happen at any time of pregnancy, but the bigger your belly, your uterus and the baby are in there, the bigger and sharper the pain is.

They usually begin to appear after the fourth month, which is when the uterus grows too large and takes the place of the abdomen.

That's because in addition to tightening the bones and walls that protect the pelvis, the weight of the baby also influences and aggravates that pain. With this, pregnant women of older babies, heavier weight, or twins, suffer much more pelvic pain than pregnant women who have little weight gain during pregnancy.

What are the risk factors for pelvic pain in pregnancy?

The fact of being pregnant is already the main risk factor. Your body is going to have to squeeze because the uterus has to grow and a baby is going to develop in there. With it, pain in the pelvic region will occur in most gestures, without reason more.

However, there are some risk factors that make some women more likely to feel that pelvic pain during pregnancy.

Consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, inflammations, use of fertility drugs, abortion in previous gestation, use of IUD and even older than 35 years, are some of the possibilities that can make the pregnant woman feel more pain during that period.

How is pelvic pain in pregnancy and when does it occur?

The area of ​​the pelvis is very extensive. It has part of the waist, the groin, the hip. And the pain in this region can have different reasons.

In the first months, the increase in the size of the uterus is the main cause of pelvic pain. However, others may occur over time.

At the end of pregnancy, for example, the body emits signals, releases hormones and makes some changes in the woman's body to facilitate delivery.

That can cause joint pain, muscles and even in the bones of the region. With this, it is common for women to feel pain in the groin and in the region of the basin when the baby is near birth.

The pelvic pain that affects the lumbar part, at the end of the back, has a lot to do with the weight that the mother carries. In addition, the growth of the baby tightens important bones that further increase the pain.

What are the tips to avoid and treat pelvic pain?

It is good to remember that, in addition to pain, some women also have other symptoms, such as fainting, dizziness, fever, vaginal discharge, painful urination and limited movement due to pain.

Ideally, you should go to your obstetrician often, do prenatal exams and tell him your aches and pains.

There are remedies, treatments and many attitudes that you can take to end that pain.

Take the medications prescribed by the doctor

The best way to reduce or stop pelvic pain in pregnancy, is to go to the doctor to guide you on how to solve this problem.

He will evaluate the reason, discover the causes and indicate a treatment that may involve medications allowed in pregnancy, lengthening or postural changes, which, alone or together, will resolve your situation at that time.

Do not carry weight

He already carries some extra kilos every day, at all times, without resting for a second; so you should not try to charge even more. This will generate pain and discomfort.

The pregnant woman needs rest and special care. So ask your husband, boyfriend, sister, mother, in short, anyone who is close to doing that heavy work.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Dolor pélvico en el embarazo
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