Saudi Arabia asked Iraq for 20 million barrels of crude to complete its quota
In the last hours it was known that Saudi Arabia asked Iraq for 20 million barrels of crude oil to complete the refinery's commitments. The news is handled in local newspapers in the Arab country, while they point to the Iraqi state company SOMO, as the one in charge of selling the 20 million barrels.

However, neither party has confirmed this version. It should be remembered that Iraq and Saudi Arabia are not exactly commercial allies and for years they have been facing each other militarily and politically in different scenarios.
Saudi Arabia had recently confirmed that the barrels of oil that were lost in the attack had already been recovered and everything would be back to normal by the end of the month.
The Arabs assured that they did not need help from other countries and that for the moment they would seek to carry out the repairs as soon as possible to return to global production.
La gran pregunta que surgió luego de que las refinerías sauditas sufrieran ataques es sobre la capacidad de defensa de los sistemas antiaéreos de los Estados Unidos. Su misión en estos países
The attack on its refineries caused the increase in oil worldwide by 14% and the effects reached all countries in the world. An example is Argentina, where prices were frozen as a result of the economic crisis, but were forced to increase the value of gasoline by 5% to be able to assume the increase in a barrel of oil.