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Chapati made in a pan
Chapati is an unleavened puffed bread similar to Arabic bread, but with another confection, native to India. It is very delicious and can be used to accompany many dishes.
This time I show you a version made with very delicious chickpea flour and that achieves the same texture as the traditional one.
Without more to add, dare to make this great bread to compare your healthiest ducks.

100 grams of whole wheat flour,
30 milliliters of olive oil,
100 milliliters of water,
2 grams of salt,
How to make the Chapati made in a pan?
1. To start making this delicious bread, start by mixing the flours with the oil, salt and water in a bowl.
2. Bundle until smooth. Then add the clean and chopped parsley.
3. Then, with the help of your hands, wrap the parsley until you get a single, well-homogeneous mixture.
If you want, you can put a little oil on your hands to prevent the dough from sticking. At the table it will also be very helpful.
4. Take it to the table and knead again yes, you notice that it is still a little wet, add small amounts of flour little by little until you achieve the ideal texture.
5. When you have reached this point, place it in a bowl again, cover with a cloth and let it rise for 30 minutes.
6. Once the time is up, divide the dough into 6 equal parts and roll into balls.
7. Now, on a table style the bread as thinly as you can with the help of a rolling pin or something cylindrical.
8. Then, bring to medium heat in a pan or griddle that you know does not stick the food. If it is non-stick better.
9. You just have to grease with a little olive oil and put the bread when it is hot.

10. Let the bread cook for 3 minutes or so.
11. Next, turn the dough over. It is normal for you to see bubbles come out.
Let cook until you have taken the browning that you like the most. If you want more crunchy, you can leave for a few minutes more pending that it does not burn.
And in a few minutes you will have a delicious chapati to accompany your best preparations.
How to know that we are doing well?
The dough is ready if when pressed with the hand it returns to its original shape. If not, you should continue to tame for a longer time.
In India the thickness of bread varies from family to family. Therefore, you can adjust the preparation as it suits you, and you like.
When you have finished assembling the dough you can add a little butter on the surface of the dough before covering with the cloth.
This recipe admits a previous preparation with time and when eating, reheat, it is necessary to use aluminum foil and cook in the oven for 10 minutes or so.
This recipe is the most traditional of all, and you can apply it to any meal. Its filling can vary, and the options are endless.
What to fill the Chapati with?
You can fill with salad, prepare some roasted vegetables. Use yogurt with fruit if you want a different mix.
Or if you want you can put honey with cheese, or with avocado mince, stewed chicken and whatever combinations you can think of.
This bread is very versatile and according to the thickness you can even place meats and sauces to simulate the flavor of a Pepito.
It is also very healthy and is great for people who are gluten intolerant. Go ahead and change your habits with these delicious recipes with chickpea flour.
Other types of Hindu bread
One of the main characteristics of this bread is the lack of yeast, so it is not very fluffy, but it is capable of filling even the most gluttonous appetites. Among the types of Indian breads are:
Poori bread
This type of bread is typical of North India. Its manufacture takes water, flour and salt. The dynamics in rolling the dough so that it is crushed and then taken to a pan to cook with oil.
Naan bread
This bread is only for consumption in private events and does not have the same production process. It is cooked in clay ovens and is made from refined flour.
Naan bread has a very particular flavor and also contains butter and in some cases even yogurt.

Paratha bread
It is one of the finest breads, its texture aces similar to puff pastry. One of the characteristic details is the application of butter to the paratha bread before cooking.
During cooking, add a little more and thus reach the ideal point on an iron plate. It can be eaten in the morning and is usually stuffed to increase its flavor.
As you will see in the different preparations it is usually. Accompany a delicious filling, and it does not involve much procedure.
Be part of this legendary world of Hindu breads that, in addition to being healthy, are nutritious and satisfying by incorporating this recipe into your diet.