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Panna cotta: Traditional Sweet

Sara Manaure
5 min de lectura

The panna cotta as cooked cream is known, It is one of the easiest sweet dishes to make and is very time-consuming. In addition, due to its conservation time, it can be done in advance. This qualifies it as an ideal sweet for any occasion.

It is part of the traditional confectionery of Italy, specifically Piedmont. It has the appearance of a flan due to its smooth texture, but this is even more compact than gelatin.

It has a very dairy flavor. In this article we present the recipe for the traditional vanilla-flavored panna cotta and some of its variants, the more widely accepted chocolate Panna cotta.

Panna cotta: Traditional Sweet – Recipes – WebMediums
Panna cottas

With the above in mind, it is a recipe with which you can stand out and delight your guests. So get ready to score and kick-start your run.


As part of the ingredients you must have:

  • 2 sachets of unflavored gelatin approximately 7 grams

  • 2 cups of whole milk

  • 4 cups heavy cream

  • ½ cup powdered sugar

  • 2 teaspoons white vanilla extract


Start by hydrating the gelatin, placing it in a small bowl, along with half a cup of hot milk. Preferably add the milk and then the gelatin if you have it in powder.

Once the gelatin has dissolved. Place the heavy cream, the extra fine sugar and the rest of the milk in a saucepan. Mix well and bring to the fire.

Let cook until you see small bubbles appear on the edge of the mixture. Add the white vanilla essence so that the mixture does not take color, stir and remove from the heat.

At this point, add the gelatin that you had previously hydrated to the hot mixture in the pot and stir well until you feel the mixture thicken.

Panna cotta: Traditional Sweet – Recipes – WebMediums
Traditional panna cotta

To make the dessert very creamy and smooth, you can sift the mixture. That is, go through a strainer to remove any lumps that the mixture has.

Let stand in a cool place until warm. It can then be placed in the serving container (s), glasses according to your preference.

Then refrigerate them for at least 4 hours. At the end of time you will have a delicious dessert to taste with your family and friends.

Final Recommendations

As always we leave you in this section some hints of the variants that you can do.

Ideally, the sugar is extra fine, if you do not have it you can pass the normal sugar passed through a processor or blender, this will help the cream. If you use gelatin sheet, the way to hydrate is to use cold water, so that they sponge and soften for about 10 minutes. If you have powdered gelatin, you should hydrate it with hot water or milk.

This dessert should preferably be served cold. It can be prepared in advance of the celebration and taken one hour before eating.

The milk must be complete with the fat required for the preparation or use milk cream in the same proportion.

The traditional flavor of panna cotta is the essence of vanilla, but it can be changed for chocolate, coconut or your preference.

The recommended chocolate is cup chocolate, which is usually obtained in tablets. This will have to be grated, but you can change it without affecting the recipe and use cocoa powder.

Panna cotta: Traditional Sweet – Recipes – WebMediums
Chocolate and vanilla mixed panna cotta.


This is a variant of the traditional recipe that has many affections between adults and children. You only have to add the chocolate to hot milk so that it dissolves about 50 grams will be enough. The rest of the preparation is the same.

You can even make a combination of both when serving. That is, prepare half of the mixture with chocolate and the other with vanilla.

When it is going to be presented it is advisable to use separate containers accompanied by fruits.

You can choose between strawberries, blackberries or any type of fresh fruit of your choice. Also, it is an option to use strawberry syrup, dulce de leche or chocolate.

For meetings, you can use different sizes of molds. In this way, the guests can choose the size of their liking and give the presentation of the sweet color attractive.

Preparation time

The preparation of this rich panna cotta recipe will not take you more than 10 min. You only have to consider the cooling times so that the dessert is truly ready.


It is a dessert that needs to be brought to high temperatures so that it sets in five hours it is ready, after it cools in the environment.

After its preparation, this delicious dessert can stay in the fridge for up to 4 days.

Dare to prepare this wonderful panna cotta recipe with either the original or traditional flavor and delight young and old alike. This cold dessert is ideal to accompany any occasion.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Panna cotta: Dulce Tradicional
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Sara Manaure

Miembro desde alrededor de 3 años

La victoria más difícil es la victoria sobre uno mismo. Aristóteles.

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