12 home remedies against acne

5 min de lectura

Although acne is usually a problem that we all face at a certain age but over the years we leave it behind (with exceptions such as chronic acne), it is always annoying, especially when we are at that age when some girl from school like it, even in college.

If we start going to parties a little more intense and we want to have a good time, maybe flirting, nothing is easier for us because with acne up to self-esteem is touched.

12 home remedies against acne – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

But for those cases in which acne attacks and you do not have 2 weeks to go to a specialist and start a treatment, we leave you this top of 12 home remedies against acne. Effective and simple to prepare. Let us begin.

Tea bags

We all always have some tea at home and those bags that they sell in supermarkets are perfect.

You should only take 2 or 3 warm tea bags and place them on the affected areas or key points that you want to keep clean and fresh.

If you can apply it at night, you can leave it a little longer. Washing the face after the procedure is optional.

Grated potato

It is one of the most useful and yet little used remedies. You only have to grate a medium sized potato and make a pulp, without adding anything more than a minimum of water.

That pulp you put on your face for half an hour and then rinse with warm water.

Mint (Leaves)

It is another remedy with great results and little known, it will also leave you a freshness without equal.

Crush a fist of mint leaves and the resulting pasta (with the juice), spread it over your face, after 15 minutes rinse well with cold water.

12 home remedies against acne – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Avocado and Honey

Avocado is one of the most used remedies, for acne and many other things.

In this case you should take half a large avocado, crush it and the resulting cream add a small spoonful of honey, after stirring well apply it on your face like a mask, it should stay half an hour.

It is recommended to do it before the bath, this is one of the most effective home remedies against acne known.


Sugar is a very effective natural exfoliant and we always have it at home.

The combinations are many but to make it easier, we recommend using the sugar with a little glycerin soap that has been soaked, that paste can be applied on the face for half an hour and at the end, remove with cold water, the result of this remedy is so incredible that, as soon as your face dries, you will notice the exfoliating effect of the sugar.

12 home remedies against acne – Wellness and Health – WebMediums


You could not miss this element so present in hundreds of home remedies. With garlic it will be very simple. Take 3 or 4 cloves of garlic and extract the juice, mix it with a little water and spread on the affected areas, you should leave only 10 minutes at the most and remove well with soap and water.


This is another of the remedies with high quality as an exfoliant, you just have to prepare half a cup of oatmeal and two minutes before removing from the heat, add a spoonful of honey.

Let it stand for 30 minutes and apply that mask for an hour. It is recommended to remove with cold water.


Another of the little known and very useful remedies. Place a metal container with water on the fire, as soon as it boils you remove it from the fire and immediately place your face to take advantage of the steam.

Two points are important to get the most out of avoiding risks:

1) At the beginning the steam will be very hot, place the face at some distance and as soon as the steam decreases in intensity, you can get closer a little more, during 15 minutes.

2) Place a towel around your face and the container, in this way you create a kind of "tunnel" that directs all the steam directly to your face. Perform at least 3 times a week.


When washing your face, you can use some lemon juice, so you get 2 lemons to squeeze it will suffice, you just have to rinse your face well and after 2 or 3 minutes remove and finish your wash with soap and water, This remedy helps you keep your face hydrated and prevent acne.

12 home remedies against acne – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Aloe vera

Known in some regions as aloe, it is the best known remedy against acne and at the same time one of the simplest to prepare.

Aloe vera grows practically anywhere and we only have to take the glass or the internal drool of one of its branches or pencas, this is placed on the face in a generous way.

There is no problem in your application as it dries immediately and you can watch TV for a while or walk on your PC, but we must be careful not to expose ourselves to the sun with this Aloe Vera mask, it is dangerous and can cause burns.

Hence, it is recommended to place aloe vera before bathing.

Honey and Strawberries

A simple remedy to prepare and apply that will take 10 minutes at most. Take 3 strawberries and the crituras, to that pasta you add two tablespoons of honey, mix and place on your face, 10 minutes later, rinse your face with warm water and soap.

Do not touch your face

As much as acne becomes a temptation, do not do it, do not touch those pimples, do not try to burst them because it is just what leaves the odious marks, in addition, our hands have bacteria because of the things we touch and manipulate and we only get worse the problem of touching our faces every now and then.
