5 Foods to combat stress

2 min de lectura

It seems that it was the evil of our society. We continually see that people are going from one place to another, from work to home, paying taxes and a whole series of attitudes and situations that lead them to live under stress. In this article, we will give you a list of 5 foods that will reduce stress so that you live much more calmly.

5 Foods to combat stress – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Green vegetables: It is scientifically proven that green vegetables have properties that reduce pain levels and bring calm to those who consume them, thanks to the fact that they contain magnesium. In turn, adding vegetables to the daily diet will also improve overall health.

Nuts: These increase the levels of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which is responsible, along with others, of moods. Of course, consuming nuts will not take you from depression to happiness, but it will considerably improve the situation.

Milk: It has immensity of benefits for our health, and in turn is responsible for reducing the levels of a hormone that is responsible for producing stress.

Sunflower seeds: As mentioned before, magnesium and calcium are highly recommended when trying to lower stress levels. These two elements are found in sunflower seeds, therefore they will be very helpful if we are going through a lot of anxiety and tension.

Kiwi: There are people who claim that it is not good to consume large servings of this fruit a day, however when it comes to lowering stress levels, its composition will improve our mood as long as we consume a minimum of two.

Stress became part of our lives and if we cannot calm down these foods will be of great help to us to be more calm and happy. In turn, incorporating them into our food diet will improve other aspects of our health.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
5 Alimentos para combatir el estrés
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