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Discover the therapeutic effect of pets
The healing power in humans that animals possess

The company that pets offer, together with the good times that they can offer us, are some of the advantages of sharing life with them; however, several scientific studies have pointed out that they can also have a therapeutic impact on our lives.
Therapeutic animals, as they are called, can help people with health problems as complementary therapy, or strengthen those who are healthy.
In addition to this, pets can improve the socialization process, lower anxiety, help manage stress, among other benefits.
What are therapeutic animals?
Animals that, through training, can help human beings with physical, psychological, or neural problems are defined as such; as well as, cooperate in the rehabilitation of people with various problems, or favor pedagogical processes.
The most used animals in these therapeutic processes are:
Birds and fish.
guinea pigs
How do these animals influence the improvement of health?
Different scientific investigations have concluded that people who have animals at home tend to have stronger health than those who do not have pets.
An example of this, we can see in those who have been sick with cardiovascular problems or terminal illnesses, since they have come to live longer, compared to patients who were not in contact with pets.
This happens because the interaction of human beings with animals, (especially caressing them), lowers blood pressure, producing an improvement in the body's cardiac and circulatory system.
Similarly, it was observed that people with emotional problems had fewer episodes of anxiety, depression, etc., thanks to the animal company; cats and dogs being the best for these purposes.
Other beneficiaries of this interaction are those who suffer from mobility problems, the horse being one of their best allies, since they help improve blood circulation, together with the functioning of the organs.
This produces a positive impact on those who suffer from these problems, eventually managing to improve themselves, or giving them a better quality of life.
Children are other great favored by the interaction with pets, since they can enhance their learning processes, increase social interaction, and strengthen the sense of responsibility.
In the case of children with psychological or emotional problems, an investigation showed that several of them who suffered from autism, being in contact with guinea pigs, were less likely to generate anxiety attacks, also developing better social interactions.
The answer as to why this happens cannot be found in a single point, for example, petting animals such as dogs or cats, or watching fish or birds, generates a sense of well-being, which mitigates the impact of anxiety or anxiety. stress.
This happens because different hormones are secreted, such as dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, which help to a great extent to lift our spirits, strengthen the immune system and improve our health.
But in other cases, there are people who acquire the therapeutic effect by walking their dog, or riding a horse, in the process known as equine therapy.
The relationship between cats, dogs and humans during the Covid-19 pandemic
The confinement resulting from the pandemic plunged a large number of people into panic attacks, anxiety, anger, frustration, among other negative emotions; however, these effects were shown to be much smaller in people who owned cats and dogs.
One of the advantages observed was that these people did not have feelings of loneliness, since the constant interaction with their animals made them feel accompanied, reducing the negative effects of social isolation.
These have been some of the positive effects that pets generate in the health of human beings.