Exercises to increase legs

3 min de lectura

Show off slender and toned legs demands the performance of a lot of cardiovascular exercise, because in general terms, neither diets nor sports are usually enough. It is necessary to search and start up the specific routine that allows you to get rid of the fat in your thighs and calves.

Exercises to increase legs – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Exercise routine to increase your legs quickly

The exercises suggested below offer the advantage of not only losing weight due to the reduction of fat, but also toning the muscles at the same time, thus achieving firmer and slimmer limbs, after all, slimming regimens. Together with sedentary lifestyle, they increase the likelihood of flaccid muscles.

Cardiovascular or toning?

While it is essential to follow a balanced diet, choosing the right sport is key to achieving the goal; Assuming that you want to strengthen thin legs, you should focus on endurance activities, either with bands or dumbbells.

Now, if on the contrary the goal is to lose weight, the best option is to lean towards cardiovascular exercise.

Ideal aerobic exercises to lose fat in the legs

Climbing stairs

It is not necessary to go to the gym to exercise your legs, the simplest alternative to burn calories and stay in shape is to climb stairs, it will be enough to spend at least 15 minutes a day with the right shoes and avoiding doing it with too much weight.

Jump rope

This is another efficient exercise that can be done at home; The biggest advantage of jumping rope is to burn lots of calories in a fun way and in a short time. But that's not all, it also contributes to the development of good coordination and balance, as well as an excellent option to mitigate stress.

Exercises to increase legs – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Being specific, just to dedicate 10 minutes to the exercise, you will be having the same caloric consumption as running for half an hour. On the other hand, it is a complete exercise, in which a large part of the muscles of the body is worked on, becoming a good alternative to do, at least, once a week, in sessions of one minute alternating with one of rest, for 10 minutes.


Another fun option to exercise the legs is the minitramp, that individual trampoline that enjoys great preference in many gyms for allowing the practice of different kinds of dances and workouts while jumping on it.

Exercises to increase legs – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

The greatest benefit of the minitramp is that it allows a great caloric expenditure while avoiding injuries in the joints; fortunately it is a fairly inexpensive device, hence those who can not go to the gym, have the opportunity to acquire it and enjoy their benefits at home sweating for 8 or 20 minutes a day.


As simple as putting the musical repertoire of preference and moving the body, to have a complete exercise with which to lose weight without having to break your head too much.

Going to dance sessions two or four times a week or practicing them at home, it will be possible to reduce the accumulated fat in the waist, calves and thighs, while releasing stress and tension.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Ejercicios para aumentar piernas
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