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How common is Tourette syndrome?

Grecia De Flores
4 min read

Have you ever heard of Tourette syndrome? Or have you seen it in a series or movie?

If you know someone with Tourette syndrome, follow these tips and help them in the best possible way.

How common is Tourette syndrome? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Tourette syndrome

What is it?

This is a neurological syndrome whose main characteristic is the appearance of tics that are sometimes quite striking.

It manifests itself more strongly during childhood and is reduced during adolescence and early adulthood, however the tics can remain.

There are two types of tics, motor, made up of body movements that can vary from blinking, or movements of the face to complex motor movements that involve more than one part of the body, such as very strong footsteps.

Or simple vocal tics such as grunting, breathing heavily and clearing the throat, or complex ones such as screaming or repetitions of words.

In the cases of vocal tics, when curses or obscene words are said, they are called coprolalia, when the words of the people with whom you are talking are repeated echolalia and when the words themselves are repeated papilalia.

However, these characteristics are uncommon within tics. The origin of this syndrome in as we said neurological and is highly related to genetic characteristics, so it is inherited.

Its treatment depends a lot on the characteristics of the case, therapy is recommended to help face the difficulties that people with Tourette syndrome go through and sometimes medications are prescribed when the tics are very frequent and intense.

How can I help close people with this syndrome?

Get involved in activities that require active concentration, according to experts these activities help reduce the appearance of tics, some healthy alternatives can be physical exercise or hobbies that require mental focus.

Get your creativity going with activities like writing, painting, playing music or that require these skills to focus and develop the mind.

People with Tourette syndrome are especially sensitive to the problems of others due to their own experience, this can be an impetus to help other people who suffer from a disease and thus mutually reinforce their trust.

Or you can join specific support groups for people with Tourette syndrome in which they share their experiences and are nurtured by group interaction and solidarity.

Find information about Tourette syndrome to empower yourself and take control, understanding well what this syndrome consists of can help you accept it and take a leading role in your treatment.

How should I treat people who have it?

  • Do not watch their tics, this behavior is rude and can be offensive.

  • Naturalize their tics, try not to pay direct attention to them.

  • Be patient, it may be difficult for him to have a fluent conversation because of the tics.

  • If you are curious, ask delicately, it is important to always be respectful.

  • Show him that you accept him, don't try to recommend treatments unless he asks for them.

  • Do not write down his tics, if you notice that he has a new tic you do not need to tell him, surely he has already noticed it.

  • If you see him stressed, offer him help, ask him what he can do for him and if they need to go somewhere else, go with him.

  • Show him your support, let him know that you are there if he needs your help or a hug.

  • Do not make jokes about his syndrome, if there is no confidence or the person does not have that type of humor it is better to avoid being rude.

  • Do not point at him in front of the public, his tics are involuntary, it is not his intention to attract attention.

  • Support it, it is possible that many people do not understand what is happening and want to make fun of it, explain that this is a serious condition and deserves respect.

Tourette syndrome does not have to be an impediment to the normal functioning of people, each one facing their unique situation in a particular way, but with the support of your loved ones and professionals you can enjoy a perfectly functional and happy life.
