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Hydration in sport: why is it so important?

Hydration in sports and in life in general, is of great importance for the person to have optimal performance in their day to day. In the opposite case of not being well hydrated, there is a risk of health deterioration through different pathologies.
That is why, in the field of sports, constant hydration is even more crucial, given the constant loss of liquids. In addition to that, there is also the person's fatigue, where the water will allow him to gradually recover.
How much water should I drink per day? debunking myths
There is a popular belief that the minimum amount of water that should be consumed per day is 2 liters. However, it is a factor that is subject to different conditions, such as suffering from a disease or the environment where you live.
It means then that there is no defined or strict amount of water that should be ingested per day. But, what is certain is that the consumption of between 2.5 to 3.7 liters of water daily is recommended for men. And, for women, between 2 and 2.7.
In the same way, aspects such as the person's body weight or any condition they suffer from have an influence. Also, the frequency and intensity with which you exercise during the day.
All of them will be indicators of the minimum amount of water that a person should consume per day, so that their body has the best conditions.
How do I know if I am dehydrated? Watch for symptoms
Dehydration is known as the lack of fluids in the body, which are necessary for the performance of different basic functions of the body. It can present itself in different ways, but there are five medical indicators, which are:
lack of saliva
If not enough saliva is being produced, it means that the body is not producing the proper amount of body fluids. In turn, it translates into an increased growth of bacteria, which is the result of a fully dehydrated body.
Dry Skin
Maintaining full hydration in sport prevents the phenomenon called the “crease sign” from occurring.
It basically consists of the fact that the skin does not have the adequate volume of blood to return to its natural state if it is stretched. In that case, it means that the body is entering a stage of dehydration.
Muscle cramps
The lack of fluid in the body translates into an absence of electrolytes (sodium and potassium), which are essential for muscles. In the event of a low level of these elements, it can lead to a muscle cramp, synonymous, in turn, of dehydration.
feeling of hunger
In the case of being dehydrated, the body has difficulties when absorbing nutrients necessary to produce energy. As a consequence, it generates a hormonal response that signifies the need to consume food.
Everything, with the aim of supplying the lack of energy in the body, product of poor hydration of the person.
Although they are the least common, they can occur in cases of people who do not consume the necessary amount of water. And it is that, if there is an excessive lack of fluids, the brain is one of the main organs affected.
That is why it is vital to maintain good hydration, so that the brain and cerebrospinal fluid have the necessary electrolytes for optimal functioning.
urine status
Urine is another indicator that the person may be well or poorly hydrated. In that sense, the clearer it is, it is a sign that the adequate amount of water for the body has been consumed.
Otherwise, a darker color added to an intense smell, one of the causes may be dehydration. In the same way, it is advisable to go to a medical professional, who will really evaluate what the problem is.
Tips to stay hydrated throughout the day
It is no secret that remembering to drink water is a task that people do not fulfill, unless it is in delicate medical cases. Otherwise, many times we forget an activity as simple as drinking a glass of this vital liquid.

That is why we leave you with a series of tips and strategies that will allow you to maintain good hydration in sports at all times.
You can set alarms and schedules during the day, in order to meet the minimum required water.
Don't wait until the moment your body asks you for water to drink. At that point, you are already dehydrated.
Drink between 120 and 250 ml of water every half hour for better absorption.
Keep a filter with water near your study or work space.
And how is proper hydration in sport? follow these recommendations
When performing intense physical activity, such as any sport or running, fluid intake should be different. Thus, the person can maintain a high performance for a longer time, thus avoiding muscle fatigue.
Likewise, when a sport or activity that is highly demanding for the body is carried out, it means that the body spends a greater amount of liquids. Therefore, consumption must be proportional to what is burned. Follow these tips to stay hydrated.
Before physical activity
The recommended amount of water to drink for sports is approximately 500 ml. Of course, it will depend on the intensity of the physical activity, as well as the characteristics and physical conditions of the person.
Likewise, it should be consumed about two hours before the high-intensity activity to be carried out begins.
Hydration in sport during its development
After the exercise or sport has started about 30 minutes, it is recommended to consume between 100 and 150 ml of water every 20 minutes. Always, with small and regular sips during the activity.
In turn, it is important that the liquid remains at room temperature, that is, that it is not too cold or too warm. In any of these cases, the body will have to spend energy regulating the temperature of the water, in order to better absorb it.
It is also important that water is not consumed during times when we do not control our breathing, that is, when we are hyperventilating. At that point, we would be depriving the body of what it needs most at that moment, which would be oxygen. In addition, flatus could be generated.
After training or sport
Sports hydration after the end of physical activity is of great importance, as it allows the body to return to normal. In that sense, it should be 150% of the weight loss caused after training.

Also, you can opt for isotonic drinks, which have a higher concentration of electrolytes necessary for the functioning of the body.
So, do you know why sports hydration is so important?
Keeping in mind that our body is made up mostly of liquid, it stands to reason that keeping it hydrated is vital. Therefore, during sports, it is a task that enhances its value, since these are times when we lose fluids the most.
Hydration in sport plays a valuable role, both before, during and after physical activity. Indeed, its function is to keep the athlete at an optimal level, so that he can continue to perform the exercise.
In turn, they allow the body to be in a balanced state at all times, since the lack of liquids contributes to the appearance of different diseases.