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Creatine: everything you need to know about its consumption

6 min de lectura
Creatine: everything you need to know about its consumption – Wellness and Health
Creatine is one of the most used supplements to carry out any type of highly demanding physical activity.

To improve the results when exercising, there are different supplements that offer benefits to those who consume them, one of them being creatine. Indeed, just like protein powders or amino acids in capsules, it aims to increase muscle growth.

However, various doubts arise around its use, as well as myths that have permeated the culture of exercise. In the development of the article, we will know everything related to creatine, highlighting both its benefits and the correct way to consume it.

First of all, what is creatine?

It consists of being a molecule or chemical substance that is naturally present in the body.

It originates from the synthesis of several amino acids, which are part of proteins. Therefore, creatine has a protein principle, and hence its importance in exercise.

But, the body can only process up to 1 gram per day through the liver, so the rest of the intake must be from food. For this, the main foods with high levels of creatine are meat and fish, being essential in the diet.

In addition, its molecular structure allows it to act as an anabolic, allowing it to get involved in obtaining anaerobic energy. In this way, the person improves their performance when performing a sporting activity.

Creatine: what is it for?

It is a supplement used mainly to improve sports performance, but it is not the only use that is given to it. And the truth is that it has a series of benefits that have even been proven by science.

To increase muscle mass

At the molecular level, creatine is a substance that greatly improves muscle growth, being the main reason for its intake as a supplement.

In essence, it is stored as phosphocreatine, which has more explosive energy characteristics than glucose. Therefore, it becomes the main source of energy for the muscles.

In this way, by consuming creatine supplements, the person will obtain a greater amount of energy when training, allowing him to extend his physical limits. As a result, performance will progressively improve, while muscle mass increases in parallel.

On the other hand, at the muscular level, it is a substance that promotes the conservation of fluids at the cellular level, thus allowing the uptake of lean mass.

At the same time, it improves muscle permeability, as well as the perception of amino acids from the bloodstream into muscle cells.

In short, consuming supplements with creatine allows you to greatly increase performance in any type of physical activity. According to studies, it was even possible to determine that this substance increases strength by 8%, and the number of repetitions executed by 14%.

In sports or endurance activities

The use of supplements with this type of molecule is also seen in sports or cardiovascular activities, where it considerably improves resistance.

Indeed, it is responsible for producing and storing larger amounts of muscle glycogen, an important substance in muscle recovery.

Creatine: everything you need to know about its consumption – Wellness and Health
Creatine plays a fundamental role in the production of energy to continue with physical activity.

Thus, it is of great help after long runs, especially in the face of the damage and inflammation caused by intense physical activity.

What are its effects on the body?

Whether positive or negative, supplemental consumption of this substance produces a series of effects on the body. Knowing what they are will allow us to make the final decision about their use or not.

Production of ATP molecules

It is responsible for stimulating the generation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules, which fulfills the function of giving energy to muscle cells. As a result, the person sees an increase in muscle mass, strength, and endurance.

Increased muscle mass

It is the main reason why its external consumption is sought, since it prioritizes contraction and growth of muscle fibers.

rapid increase in body weight

One of the main effects of creatine consumption is rapid weight gain, especially in men who take it as a supplement. It is for this reason that the dose ingested must be taken care of, because in case of exceeding it, it can cause fluid retention.

Causes digestive upset

Normally, it is an effect that occurs during the first week of its consumption, and in many cases it does not even occur. However, in case of adverse effects, such as vomiting or diarrhea, it is best to stop taking it.


It is important that if you are taking a creatine supplement, that you supplement it with adequate hydration. Otherwise, it can cause constipation in the person.

How to take creatine?

Taking into account the main effects produced by this substance, it is vital to learn how to take it to cope with a session of physical activity.

The popular belief, and it is also the one that is also usually best supported scientifically, is that approximately 5 grams of creatine should be consumed daily. Indeed, it is the most recommended dose and the one that produces the fewest side effects.

Creatine: everything you need to know about its consumption – Wellness and Health
Creatine consumption can be supplemented with other foods of great nutritional value.

However, it is also essential to consider the person's body weight. To do this, various characters suggest that the intake should be between 0.08 g/kg and 0.10 g/kg of weight.

For example, a person who weighs approximately 65 kg, the appropriate dose would be about 6 grams per day. It means that consumption will depend on the physical characteristics of each person, also keeping abreast of any adverse effects.

When to take creatine, before or after training?

In relation to whether it has greater efficiency depending on the time, there is no perfect time, as it will depend on each person's diet.

However, what is recommended by most experts and people in the world of training is to take creatine after training. In addition, it would have a better effect if it is complemented with a protein or fruit shake.

It should be noted that it should be immediately after training or physical activity, and not after a large meal. In that case, there is a risk of causing heartburn.

But, in the end, it won't make any difference, since its effects on the body will remain the same regardless of when it's consumed.

Therefore, it will depend on the person's diet, as well as when they feel most comfortable ingesting creatine.
