Importance of maintaining a healthy back
The back is a fundamental part of our body since the cervicals are part of it, which help us to be able to move the joints of our body. Therefore, it is important to keep it well cared for and avoid putting it in bad positions, since a healthy back is a healthy body.

You have to know how to take care of your back, since it is one of the points of the body that is most abused. From a young age you have to have a good habit of sitting well or sleeping comfortably and that does not affect your back, since in the growing season it is very important to have a healthy back.
Sitting causes one of the most common back pain problems. There are people who do not know how they should sit well, especially if they are going to spend many hours sitting. Keep the backrest straight, with your arms or elbows supported.
Tomar abundante agua y seguir una dieta equilibrada son tan necesarios como la realización de ciertos ejercicios puntuales para tonificar el abdomen. Por lo general, es un área que suele
If we are going to be seated for a long time, it is best to change positions from time to time, always complying with keeping our back straight.
It is also not good to be seated all the time, since strength in the muscles will be lost. If for work reasons we have to sit for long hours, it is best to get up every so often for a break.
Try to rest with your back straight, although many people may find it uncomfortable or find it difficult to get to sleep, it is the best posture, on your back and with your back straight.
Also exercise and stretching after having slept through the night or having spent hours sitting can help the back to reactivate and take a position it can for the rest of the day.
La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad del sistema nervioso central, que son el cerebro y la columna vertebral. En pocas palabras, funcionan como una central de comunicación. Esto se realiza
If you feel any pain or discomfort in any area, the best is a forceful massage to relax the part and continue.