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Natural treatments for kidney stones

Without a doubt, we can say that kidney stones are one of the most uncomfortable and painful complications that exist. Those who suffer from it seek any means to remove them and find alternatives in natural treatments.
A kidney stone is an accumulation of salts and minerals, which accumulates in the kidney in the form of a micro lump and which obstructs the urinary tract, causing a lot of pain. This is a very common disease that affects a large part of the world population.
The constant consumption of some processed foods are the ones that contribute the most to these calculations appearing. That is why today we want to present you with some remedies extracted from nature, so that you can face them and cleanse your kidneys of them.
Natural remedies for kidney stones

There are many medications used for the elimination of kidney stones, as it is commonly known. But natural medicine can also be useful and economical when treating them, although you should still visit the doctor beforehand.
The use of basil has a long history, and many know it for its properties to treat stomach problems. The benefit it brings to the kidneys is due to the fact that it has acetic acid, which dissolves stones and reduces pain.
The plant can be prepared in juice or also in tea, and apart from benefiting the elimination of stones, it also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Its consumption should be done for short cycles of 4 to 6 weeks and then stop it.
Prolonged intake can cause other health problems, such as excessively low blood sugar, or uncontrolled blood pressure.
It is a mostly preventive treatment, since its consumption reduces the risk of kidney stones and favors the expulsion of urine. On the other hand, it helps induce the body to excrete stones.
One of the advantages is that, being a vegetable, you can ingest it in meals, but if you want a greater benefit, you can take it as an infusion or drink its juice.
It is not recommended for people with bleeding disorders. And it can interfere with the consumption of some medications such as Xanax, so before starting to consume it, consult your doctor.
There is a component in lemon juice known as citrate, this has the ability to promote the destruction of small stones.
Its consumption also prevents the formation of calcium stones, which are another type of solid mass that is just as uncomfortable.
In order for it to be effective, you must eat enough lemon, which is easy if you extract the juice and mix it with water to consume throughout the day.
Buying processed lemon juice is not recommended, as it often has added sweetener.
As an extra point, if consuming lemon becomes habitual, you will be strengthening your immune system due to its high content of vitamin C.
string beans
We all know how delicious a good plate of beans is, but today it will give us much more than flavor. One of its components is magnesium, and this is very favorable for the elimination and expulsion of kidney stones.
To take advantage of its benefits, you must cook the beans, strain the water in which they boil and this is the liquid that is ingested. Its consumption not only favors the expulsion of stones, but also improves urinary function.
horsetail plant
The herb equisetum arvense or horsetail is well known among naturopaths, and has been used for a long time to treat kidney problems.
Among its qualities, the expulsion of stones stands out, it increases urinary flow and reduces inflammation in the areas affected by stones.
It is a plant with antioxidant components, it is also considered antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, which is why it provides many benefits to kidney function.
Its consumption is not recommended for diabetic patients, since it could cause complications.
In the same way, its treatment must be carried out in cycles, its constant consumption can cause the loss of other nutrients such as potassium or some vitamins.
The way to consume it is through infusions, and you can get it natural or processed.
stone chanca

This is another of the plants that is most renowned for its properties against kidney stones, and today it is marketed all over the world.
The Phyllanthus niruri, has diuretic qualities and is highly effective for the expulsion and elimination of stones.
Apart from its renal contribution, it is also hepatoprotective, antibacterial and antioxidant. She acts as an inhibitor, which prevents the formation of stones and favors their expulsion. Aside from the kidneys, it also prevents gallstones from forming.
It can be obtained in various presentations, from its leaves in its natural state to capsules, in case you do not like to ingest infusions. Its consumption must be controlled and supervised, since taking it in excess causes valuable nutrients to be lost in the urine.
It is the most natural and economic treatment that exists, its qualities are basic, but effective. It will help your urinary rhythm increase, and it will facilitate the expulsion. The idea is to significantly increase consumption, in this sense, you should go from consuming 8 to 12 glasses a day.
The main reason for stone formation is dehydration, so the more water you drink, the more you are preventing new stones from forming.
Before implementing any of the indicated treatments, a medical check -up should be carried out, since, according to the size of the stones and their location, they will be effective or not.
Some stone extractions require surgical intervention, therefore, prior medical evaluation is very necessary.
Food is a key factor, because by continuing with bad eating habits, the process slows down or the calculations will be generated again.
Your urine is one of the main filters that will help you know how your kidneys are behaving. Its color should be clear, without strong odors and abundant. If this does not happen in this way, it is time to carry out a checkup.
Do not wait for the pain to appear and suffer the nightmare that causes the calculations. Leading a healthy life is buying happiness, and this is easier than it seems.