Recipe with teff flour
Now that we know how beneficial this food is, we must know some recipes that we can prepare using this food.

Teff muffin with chocolate and nuts
A good way to prepare this flour is in a muffin which can be consumed in our breakfasts, but also in our snack. To make this recipe we must have the following ingredients on hand;
· 2 eggs.
· 2 grated apples.
· 195 g of teff flour.
180 ml of coconut milk.
· 65 g of cassava starch.
· 120 ml of coconut oil.
· 4 tablespoons of ground flax.
· 1 tablespoon of nutmeg.
· 3 tablespoons of coconut sugar.
· 1 pinch of salt and baking soda.
· 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon.
· 50 g of chopped dark chocolate or dark chocolate chip.
Preparation of Teff Muffin with chocolate and nuts
· Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the reusable silicone molds.
· Take a bowl and add the flour, sugar, cinnamon, flax, nutmeg, bicarbonate and salt, then mix well.
· Take another bowl, to add the rest of the ingredients, leaving the dark chocolate and nuts apart.
· Mix the wet ingredients with the dry ones, and mix everything in the same container to achieve integration.
· At this point we must add the chocolate, and the nuts, in order to fill the molds to 2/3 of their height and bake for about 25 minutes.
Injera or Ethiopian bread
In this case we have a well-known traditional recipe. This is basically a fluffy omelette that serves as a side to various foods. For its preparation we must use the following ingredients;
· 500 ml of water.
· 200 g of teff flour.
· 1 teaspoon salt.
Preparation of Injera or Ethiopian bread
· Take a bowl and add the flour and water, to mix and let it rest with a cloth until it ferments and then add salt to the mixture.
· Put the pan to heat with a little oil, and add the dough until it covers the bottom.
· Let cook for two or three minutes and when small holes start to form, remove from heat. Finally, serve the tortilla on a plate and enjoy it with some other food.