What are the causes of conjunctivitis?

2 min read

Conjunctivitis is a disease that most people suffer from at least once in their lives. In this article we will review what this disease is and what are the causes that cause conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis is an infection that occurs in the conjunctiva of the eye, which is a transparent membrane that aims to take care of the white part called the sclera. When a person suffers from conjunctivitis, the symptoms are as follows:

What are the causes of conjunctivitis? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
Redness Tearing During the night when the individual is sleeping, the secretions that are released can cause the eye to stick Discomfort or pain

It is essential that the necessary precautions are taken, since it is very contagious and in general, the eye that is in good condition, with the passage of days can become infected.

Once this infection is explained, it remains to be known what are the reasons that lead to conjunctivitis.

Fungi: The presence of fungi in the environment and the eye, being permanently in contact with it, leads to an allergic reaction that leads to infection.

It is also necessary for people who wear contact lenses to wash them carefully to prevent fungus from developing on them.

Viruses and bacteria: When a person rubs their eyes with their fingers, it is possible that they are infected with a virus or bacteria that has been present in something they have touched previously and, because they have not washed their hands, this leads to the manifestation of conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis is an uncomplicated infection, but it requires that the necessary precautions be taken. That is why it is important that if you are experiencing any discomfort in the eye, you go to a specialized clinic so that they can carry out the corresponding check-up.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
¿Cuáles son las causas de la conjuntivitis?
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