What is Malaria?

3 min de lectura

Malaria an infection transmitted by a mosquito.

There are 87 countries in the world with cases of malaria or malaria, the majority registered in Africa, Asia and America. According to the World Health Organization, most cases and deaths are concentrated in Africa.

This year, on Thursday, April 25, the World Health Assembly commemorates the World Malaria Day, where the WHO and the different organizations responsible for this disease are emphasizing the disposition, an essential ability to minimize the consequences caused by a disease that affects more than 400 thousand people a year, causing 1 million deaths.

What is Malaria? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

The objective is to reduce the incidence of cases and mortality rates by 40%, according to the plan of action for the elimination of malaria in the Americas 2016-2020.

What is malaria?

It is an infectious disease, one of the oldest; If it is not treated in time it can endanger the life of the patient in a short time, since it produces intoxication in the organism becoming mortal.

This infection is caused by parasites (unicellular) of the genus Plasmodium falciparum and transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito (female), of the genus Anopheles. Usually the bites occur between sunset and sunrise. There is severe and complicated malaria.

How is malaria transmitted?

1.- By infected mosquito bite

2.- During pregnancy from mother to child

3.- Blood transfusion

The vector transmission of malaria would be:

a.- 1st Mosquito infected

b.- 1st Person infected

c.- Infected liver

d.- Goes to the blood

e.- 2nd infected mosquito

f.- 2nd infected person

What is Malaria? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

What are the most common symptoms of malaria?

Infected people develop chills, fever and flu-like symptoms early in the disease. Symptoms occur after a period of 7 days or more, frequent ones are:

• Fever.

• Tremors and chills.

• Headache.

• Nausea and vomiting.

• Muscle fatigue and pain.

• Sweating.

• Abdominal pain or chest pain.

• Cough.

What can we do to prevent malaria or malaria?

• The prevention of mosquito bites between dusk and dawn (dawn) is the first line of defense against malaria.

• Use bed nets treated with long-lasting insecticides for sleeping and the use of protective clothing and insect repellents.

• Take preventive medication (chemoprophylaxis) before, during and after trips to high-risk areas.

• Young children, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems are at increased risk for severe disease if they become infected.

• Avoid sleeping outdoors and using repellents.

• Pregnant women should avoid traveling to areas where malaria transmission occurs and, for infants and young children, parents are advised not to take them to areas where there is a risk of contracting P. falciparum malaria.

Common objective for all: prevent, diagnose and treat the disease to achieve a malaria-free world.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Paludismo o Malaria
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