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What is procrastination?

3 min de lectura
What is procrastination? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums
The habit of leaving everything for later

At some point we have all postponed a task to carry out another that seems more attractive.

Procrastination has been found to be more related to emotional management than laziness; and today I want to teach you more about this topic.

What can I do to be more productive?

Initially it was believed that procrastination had to be tackled with a tough intervention and schedule management plan.

However, although this is beneficial, it does not attack the main core of procrastination, since it is focused on managing unpleasant emotions.

Procrastination takes advantage of this vicious cycle, and we end up feeling bad for not having done what we had to do before. And we do some activity to lessen that feeling about ourselves.

So, the moment you feel that this is what is happening to you, at first make it conscious, determine that this circle feeds itself and only makes you feel worse.

Set yourself short goals that motivate you to move forward, even little by little, and the closer you are to the goal, the closer the goal of finishing looks then.

Popular methods of working efficiently

In a principle we must understand that it is an inconvenience in the control of feelings.

There are different beginnings of procrastination, depending on the special environment of each individual.

Procrastinators have certain aspects of the personality that are not compatible with the successful execution of tasks. Ways to process and understand information that don't make it easy for them to make choices.

Professionals suggest that it is necessary to detect what is the underlying feeling to the problem, to drag the work or activity.

We do not have the ability to simply defeat this problem by force of will, but we must have the right tactic.

If we have not detected what is the feeling that you are trying to flee, what you should do is give yourself that space to reflect and identify it.

Mental health specialists indicate that in several people it is feasible to understand the disadvantages of procrastination with several tactics:

  • Get away completely from temptations.

  • Write down the pending tasks to focus on completing them.

  • Divide the work into small pieces.

  • Have better stress management.

What is procrastination? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Applications for the phone that can help us

The Internet is full of applications that can help you be more efficient in your performance. These can vary in aesthetics, but generally it has the objective of making you visible the progress in the tasks as a reward, and reminding you of those that you still have to do.

Within these applications we find Forest, which aims to reduce the amount of time you spend on your cell phone, in order to focus completely on the work you are developing.

It consists of planting a tree in the application, which will grow as time passes without using the phone, this time you set yourself depending on the task you have to perform.

This app will block your access to the rest of the applications on your mobile and if you leave the forest screen, your tree will die.

This application has a record that includes graphs of your performance, to which you can put labels in order to know how much time you invest in each activity.

What will allow you to know the modifications that you must make in your day to day to be more and more productive.

Being productive is possible and desirable, do not put off the activities you should do for later, in order to obtain better results.
