Why do I have bad breath?
Many people suffer from bad breath in their mouths on a daily basis. This causes insecurity, low self-esteem and other emotional problems that make their daily life difficult. Although they know they have bad breath, they do not know why they have it, that is why in this article we will review the causes that produce halitosis.
Halitosis is commonly known as bad breath and is characterized by having an ugly odor in the oral cavity. It is important that the person who suffers from halitosis knows well what is the cause that causes it, in order to be able to carry out the corresponding treatment. Otherwise, you will not be able to eliminate bad breath, and you will have spent money without having any solution.
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Next, we will give 3 of the main causes of bad breath:
Saburra lingual: When eaten, food often remains between the teeth. This causes bacteria to emerge and, with the moisture in the oral cavity, they find the perfect place to develop there.
These bacteria settle on the tongue, giving it a characteristic white color. Many times people have a tongue coating due to poor hygiene, that is why if you have it, improve your washing, and hopefully it will go away.
Acids: People who suffer from stomach problems usually have problems digesting food and because of this they have reflux. It is in this way that the individual suffers from bad breath.
Stress: Stress is one of the great evils of the century. When a person has a hectic life, they increase adrenaline levels by reducing the amount of saliva secreted.
This added to bad behaviors of personal hygiene and breathing with the open mouth lead to the person suffering from halitosis.
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So we end this article where the 3 main causes of bad breath were exposed. Keep in mind that if you are suffering from halitosis, what you should do is go to a doctor to make the relevant diagnosis.