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Foods with collagen that you should include in your diet

Foods with natural collagen are important for the functioning of the body.

Foods with collagen should not be missing from any type of diet, as it is an essential protein that is part of the structure of the body. Hence its importance, since it is present in the bones, skin, joints and tendons.

In addition, with the passage of time and increasing age, it is an element that tends to progressively reduce. Therefore, it is vital that the collagen deficit is replaced with a diet full of foods rich in this protein.

First of all, what is collagen?

It is nothing more than an essential protein of the human body, whose main function is to keep the different tissues of the organism together. In turn, collagen is formed by cells called fibroblasts, which are present in both animals and humans.

Additionally, it consists of the protein molecule that has the most presence within the body, with approximately 7% of the human body mass. Therefore, it can be said that one in four proteins in the body is collagen.

What are the foods with collagen? Don't miss them in your diet

There is a variety of collagen-rich foods that are even already in your diet. However, we will show you below other foods that you can add to your meal plan.

Everything, with the aim of having a balanced diet, but also balanced, so that the body can obtain all types of collagen. In this way, an insufficiency of one of the most important proteins in the body is avoided.


Meats, both red and white, are the main source of collagen, thus being the essential animal protein in a balanced diet.

By consuming this type of food, our body obtains the essential amino acids for proper functioning, especially from the different structures of our body.

Even so, we must be careful, because meats are also sources of large amounts of fat. Therefore, it is best to opt for lean meat, such as chicken, turkey or rabbit.

Similarly, you can include beef, lamb or pork, but as long as its consumption is not excessive.


Another essential collagen food in a diet is fish, mainly because of its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Indeed, they are vital both for cardiovascular health, as well as for the maintenance of our joints, bones and cartilage.

Red meat, chicken and fish are rich sources of collagen.

Another advantage of fish is that we can consume it in different presentations, always obtaining the same benefits. Thus, we can vary between sardines, tuna, salmon or a portion of mackerel for a good source of collagen.


It is a must-have food, in addition to being considered one of the most complete sources of protein. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that it is on the list of foods rich in collagen that you should include in your diet.

Its high collagen content is focused on the eggshell membranes, so it is also ideal for applying in masks.

On the other hand, the egg contains nutrients such as sulfur, various types of amino acids, vitamin E and B complex. All of them have the virtue that, together, they promote the production of natural collagen in the body.

Citric fruits

Citrus fruits in their entirety, but especially orange and lemon, are foods with a high content of collagen that should be taken into account. They owe it to their high level of vitamin C, which is presented as a natural antioxidant that synthesizes collagen in the body.

In turn, its function is to delay the effect that free radicals have on the body, thus helping to stabilize collagen levels.

Nuts among foods with collagen

Nuts are similar to fish in terms of nutritional content, as they are also rich in omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. In this way, they are able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of amino acids to be one of the best foods with natural collagen.

Nuts are one of the most nutritious collagen foods.

Likewise, they focus on promoting the natural production of this protein, so that the body does not suffer a deficit. The most recommended are pistachios, walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts and almonds.

What is collagen for?

The main function that collagen has in our body is to unite and serve as a support between the different structures of the human body.

That is, it is part of each of the connective tissues such as muscles, tendons, joints, skin, ligaments, cartilage, bones and even organs.

In essence, collagen is what is responsible for forming the fibers that will support the structures of the human body. Therefore, their presence is essential for their firmness and elasticity.

Over time, the natural production of collagen decreases, approximately at the age of 40, where it is estimated that half less is generated than in adolescence.

That is why it is important to include foods with natural collagen that focus on replenishing the lack of this protein in the body. Everything, so that the bone tissues and structures are kept in an optimal state of health.

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