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Dieting? Beware of fattening foods

Although there are countless diets to lose weight, losing weight does not require being full of restrictions but rather learning to eat, for this, it is necessary to choose very well the foods that will be part of the daily menu.

Those apparent salads, smoothies and energy bars, to name a few examples, can mean a much higher calorie intake than you think. Discover the alternatives that will provide energy without spoiling the initial objective.

"Light" foods that end up being a hoax

When embarking on a diet, the first ones that you usually look for are foods classified as low in calories, better known as "light foods" they become the most sought-after option when what is actually unknown is the probability that they will end up spoiling the target.

Why is it difficult to lose weight if you are eating only healthy foods?

The answer is simple, they are not as healthy as they are supposed to be! To begin with, there are the so-called low-fat presentations, which in addition to removing the healthy fat, contain sugar, for example the light peanut butter, which has the same number of calories as the original.

Something similar happens with flavored yogurts, in general, its sugar content is double compared to the natural one, assuming that this version is not enjoyed, it is convenient to add pieces of fresh fruit of the season, in addition to enjoying its improved flavor, it will be done without the remorse of consuming large amounts of calories.

Another classic of diets is energy bars and granola, recommended as the best snack of all, mistake! This is not always the case, most of them contain high fructose corn syrup, saturated fat and added sugar, becoming everything but an ally when it comes to losing weight.

Say goodbye to carbs for weight loss

Carbohydrates are the ones that get the worst of it when it comes to diets, by trend, they are the main excluded when in fact, they represent a key element for being the body's main source of energy.

In addition to this, they contribute to the optimal maintenance of the reproductive system and hormone balance, while promoting the quality of the skin, nails, hair and vision.

Why are they said to be bad then? The problem with carbohydrates is not their intake, but incurring in excesses, a rule that applies to the rest of the nutrients, understanding that discarding them from the diet is not healing, since in the long run, you will end up being a victim of the dreaded "rebound effect" recovering the lost weight with the possibility of additional ones.

The key is to know how to choose which carbohydrates to eat, betting on those of good quality instead of eliminating them completely. What would these be? Those that contain high doses of nutrients and fiber, for example, rice, whole grain cereals and breads, grains, vegetables and fruits.

Misleading foods that are often included in diets to lose weight

When the goal is to get rid of a few extra kilos, the basis of success lies in taking care of the diet, hours in the gym and the use of slimming creams or supplements will be worth nothing, if you continue to eat large amounts of calories.

This is the reason why some misleading foods that should be avoided are listed below, in addition to following the recommendations suggested above:

Sushi: it's a myth, sushi is not a low-calorie food! Although there are nuances, it generally represents a high-calorie product, especially when it comes to the traditional rolls with spicy mayonnaise and fried tempura, without setting aside the calories added by cream cheese and sauces.

Salads: like other recipes, the fact that they are salads does not mean that they are less caloric dishes, but if it has a good portion of lettuce and other vegetables, should it be healthy? Not in all cases, to sample the Caesar salad, delicious but full of calories.

Dried banana: the consumption of fruit is essential in a balanced diet, however, alternatives such as bananas represent a considerable intake of sugar that must be avoided when the goal is to lose weight. That dry version that is so enjoyed, represents no less than 441 calories per 85 grams.

Isotonic drinks: highly recommended for athletes because they contribute to the replenishment of salts and minerals, they contain large amounts of sugar, hence the need to avoid them or opt for sugar-free versions.

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Zootecnista, 7 años de experiencia veterinaria. Co-fundador de Webmediums, gestor ambiental y un apasionado por la vida #CoachEspiritual #SEO #LIVE #ElefectoFer

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