Prevent Respiratory Diseases
We present a list of the main ways to prevent respiratory diseases, which sicken a large part of the population worldwide. Although some are transient, others can definitely cause death. However, for any type of diagnosis, you must visit a specialized doctor.
Asthma disease
How to prevent asthma?To diagnose asthma, a series of tests must be carried out. Among them we can find the study of the clinical history; in these cases it is asked about the family history of asthma or allergies.
Perform a chest X-ray, which will allow evaluating complications and eliminate other complications, similar to asthma.
Other tests that must be performed to diagnose asthma are lung function tests or spirometry. One of the most common and fundamental is;
Bronchodilation test which measures the amount and speed of air output during aspiration.
On the other hand, a monitoring that will measure the maximum respiratory flow can also be carried out. A Prick test is a test that observes the patient's reaction to substances called allergens.
Rhinitis disease
How to prevent rhinitis? to avoid rhinitis, we must avoid exposure to airborne allergens or Aero-allergens. Therefore we must use a mask to reduce symptoms. At the same time, if the rhinitis is derived from the animal epithelium, coexistence with the companion animal should be avoided.
You should also take antihistamines and inhalations of decongestant drugs and other ways to help prevent seasonal allergens.
If it is an infectious rhinitis, you should wash your hands frequently, avoid dry places, and so on. Another way to prevent rhinitis is by applying the vaccine for allergic rhinitis. With it helps eradicate or minimize their symptoms in large numbers.
To diagnose rhinitis, a complete examination of the symptoms must be performed. you can also perform an exploration by the ENT, doing a rhinoscopy.
However, when it comes to an infectious cause, no tests are needed for a diagnosis. However, the frequency and severity should be taken into account, if this is very high, cultures of the nasal secretions can be performed.
Only in cases of allergic rhinitis, some tests for its diagnosis are carried out. Among them we have the blood test to know the total and specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels.
Tuberculosis disease
How to prevent Tuberculosis? when it comes to preventing TB, it depends a lot on the attitude of the infected patient. He should always use a disposable tissue to sneeze, which should be thrown in a closed plastic bag.
In addition, you must wear a mask, so you do not expel the bacteria into the air. To this is added that he will not be able to maintain contact with other people.
To prevent tuberculosis, the patient will not be able to maintain intimate contacts of any kind and should avoid closed places with many people. Everything named is to avoid contagion, by an infected person. But we must bear in mind that applya BCG vaccine is a good prevention for Tuberculosis.
What causes of angina exist?
This problem occurs when there is an imbalance between the oxygen demand by the myocardium and what it receives. In simpler terms it is presented by the lack of oxygen to the myocardium.
The cause of the most frequent angina pectoris is caused by the accumulation of lipid materials in the arterial walls. Which causes the blood flow in the heart to stop.
Among other causes of angina pectoris, we can point out:
Severe anemia
Advanced age.
Sex (frequent in men).
Consumption of alcohol and tobacco can cause this condition.
Narrowing of the aortic valve, makes the flow of blood clog.
What are the causes of pneumonia?
Pneumonia is due to the aspiration of microorganisms in the oropharynx.
If it is an adult this condition can be generated by bacteria, among the most common we have Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella and Haemophilus Influenzae. of these, the most common is pneumococcal infection
There are other agents that can cause pneumonia such as;
The flu virus and chickenpox.
Fungi can also work as triggers for this condition.
On the other hand, to determine an exact cause of pneumonia, other aspects of the infection must be taken into account. For example, its symptoms.
Chronic bronchitis disease
It is a type of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD, where inflammation occurs in the airways, with a high increase in the production of mucus. This is the body's response to the extremely harmful stimuli of tobacco.
In other words, chronic bronchitis, can be defined as a condition, where cough with mucus occurs. Although expectorations can also occur daily, for at least three months a year, for two years in a row.
In summary, it is defined as a type of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, where there is a high secretion of mucus, capable of causing cough and serious breathing problems.