Hemorrhoids in pregnancy

5 min read

For people who do not know, hemorrhoids consist of inflammation and dilation of the blood vessels that surround and collect the internal and external part of the anus.

It is a very common disease in the world population, especially in the American continent. Where it is estimated that almost half of adults come to suffer from these discomforts.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

However, hemorrhoidal problems are especially common among pregnant women, it is therefore of hemorrhoids in pregnancy, and is, in fact, one of the most common symptomatic conditions that present the vast majority of pregnant women regardless of their ages.

When a woman comes to suffer from hemorrhoids before pregnancy, it is almost a fact that during his gestation stage he will again feel the problems derived from the inflammation of hemorrhoids.

To understand more about it, know how to fight hemorrhoids in pregnancy, and prevent their appearance, we have created this informative article, for which we invite you to continue reading.

Why hemorrhoids manifest in pregnancy

It is very frequent that a pregnant woman suffers from hemorrhoids, being the third trimester of the gestation stage the most common period for its appearance.

The numbers indicate that 40% of women come to suffer hemorrhoidal problems at this stage of their lives. The reasons why this happens are diverse, however, elementally the cause is due to the pressure exerted by the growing uterus.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

Joined to this main cause, there are two other confabulantes agents for women to present the appearance of hemorrhoids in pregnancy, it is the usual constipation, and overexertion carried out by the future mother in the advanced stage of pregnancy.

Interestingly, even during the process of giving birth, the woman can develop hemorrhoids due to the great efforts that the organism generates to help give birth to the baby.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in pregnancy

There are several symptoms that cause discomfort to a woman suffering from hemorrhoids in pregnancy, the main one being hypersensitivity in the area of ​​the anus due to inflammation and the accumulation of blood inside the hemorrhoidal veins.

Bleeding is also very common, this is caused by inflammation of the internal tissue and usually manifests during the process of stool deposition.

Recognizing this is very important, since when observing the blood, the pregnant woman can suffer a great fright.

However, this is totally harmless for the health of the baby, which is contrary to what happens with vaginal bleeding. Itching, the prolapse of hemorrhoids, the constant feeling of wanting to evacuate and irritation are other common symptoms of hemorrhoids.

How to fight hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Before treating this point we want to alleviate you by informing you that usually hemorrhoids during pregnancy are not considered a serious illness, and even disappear in a few days.

Now, during your condition there are ways to relieve symptoms in a home and without the need for a medical consultation particular for the hemorrhoidal problem.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

Maintaining excellent hygiene in the anal area after defecation is important, using moist towels with warm water or chamomile after evacuation and having been properly cleaned, sitting on a tub or container with fresh water also helps to feel immediate relief.

Remember, these are just some homemade methods to treat the problem, if you do not feel recovery after trying them, it never hurts a medical consultation.

If the problem does not improve it is recommended to call a doctor.

There are cases in which hemorrhoids are very inflamed or prolapsed and are extremely painful for pregnant women, these are the cases in which home treatments usually do not achieve the necessary relief.

Because the gestation stage is especially delicate for the woman, it is advisable to visit the gynecologist who treats the development of pregnancy, or a proctologist.

In these cases doctors can medicate the case with some topical creams that help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Usually that can be enough, in fact it is rare that in the case of pregnant women surgical interventions are required to treat the problem, because as mentioned before, inflammation of hemorrhoids is a very common case, a natural reaction of the body in response to pregnancy.

What to do to prevent hemorrhoids in maternity

Considering how common this condition is in the pregnancy stage, it is always advisable to prevent it from the first stage months in order to avoid the discomfort caused by this uncomfortable disease.

To do so, you can follow a series of recommendations that are proven effective to avoid suffering from hemorrhoids in pregnancy.

Pregnant women are advised to follow a diet rich in fiber, as well as the intake of plum juice and raisins, the function of this is to collaborate with the process of digestion and to make the defecation of feces more docile and simple, in such a way that the hemorrhoids do not overstress and tend to thicken.

Avoid staying too long sitting so as not to over stress the anal area is also important, as well as it is also the fact of not remaining in the toilet for a period greater than seven minutes to avoid the aforementioned.

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

Another recommendation is to perform exercises for pregnant women

These exercises can be found online, in magazines or simply recommended by the doctor, they are a simple series of physical activities and special for women with a baby in training in their womb, and among the benefits of performing them is to keep the intestinal tract active, flexible and healthy internally.

Concluding, as previously said, it is advisable to avoid this problem during the first months in order to prepare the body for the most advanced stages of pregnancy, this will result in a problem less to worry about and focus on what is important, the healthy development of the baby.
