The problem of global warming would trigger diseases in the following years
At present, populations are beginning to witness high temperatures, lack of drinking water and extreme natural phenomena. These consequences of climate change will begin to become more common and will especially attack vulnerable populations.

From now on, inequality, hunger and migration will be in the news on a daily basis. Climate change will not give up in its desire to punish the hand of man. The world already sees floods, villages buried in mud, extreme droughts and crops dying from disease.
In Colombia, Brazil and Panama they worry about a parasite that is consuming the banana, while the countries that produce palm, coffee and fruit trees are beginning to worry about the low production of their crops.
El último gran compromiso firmado fue el Acuerdo de Paris. Un texto que prometía ser el cambio que el mundo necesitaba, al fomentar la reducción de emisiones y bajar los niveles de contaminació
In the Caribbean Islands, several companies began to withdraw from the tourism market, fearing for the arrival of new environmental phenomena that would impact their physical structure and weaken economic finances.
Now there is a trend towards wooden constructions that do not last long, so that they are economical and in the face of environmental phenomena they are minimal losses.
There is enough water in the world to feed man hundreds of years more, yet this water is not drinkable. More and more sources are contaminated by the extraction of oil and gold.
In some parts of the Venezuelan Amazon, hundreds of hectares are known to be contaminated in order to extract gold.
Now, with everything that is happening, it is believed that the next great migration will be to seek better living conditions and especially water. However, all the news is not negative, there are new models to treat contaminated water, some coastal countries began to convert salt water into fresh water, among other actions.
En las principales ciudades del mundo se lleva a cabo una de las mayores protestas del siglo. El cambio climático comienza a preocupar a todas las generaciones que exigen más acción y