3 Remedies to cure aphonia

2 min read

Having voice problems is not pleasant at all. This impediment to speech that produces aphonia in people can be easily alleviated and even cured if you know what practices carrying out. In this article we will give you 3 remedies so that you can improve your aphonia situation and speak again as you did before.

3 Remedies to cure aphonia – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Below are 3 home remedies that you can do with the elements you have at home, all of them natural.

Leek broth: For this remedy, the only thing we will need are 2 leeks, preferably large ones. Once we have them, we must cut them into small pieces and place them in a liter of water, in order to boil them.

Finally, it only remains to take the broth. The same process can be carried out with zucchini or borage, since these vegetables have, in their composition, elements that relieve mucous membranes.

Gargle: This home remedy is one of the oldest for the cure of aphonia. It consists of gargling with salt water, around 6-7. Also, another possibility is to make them with baking soda or, failing that, with sage.

The preparation of the latter consists of placing a teaspoon of sage in a cup of boiling water. Once 5 minutes have passed, strain it and if the water is warm, proceed to gargle.

Tea with honey: To improve and relieve pain in the throat, you should ingest tea with 2 or 3 tablespoons of honey. You can also have a glass of milk and honey. This will produce local relief without actually curing the aphonia. It is a good option for the recovery process.

Curing aphonia is not very complicated, it only requires that we do not speak for long periods of time and let our throat rest.

Natural remedies will help you to alleviate pain, however, a medical consultation will allow you to clear all the doubts you have and accelerate the recovery process.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
3 Remedios para curar la afonía
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