Smoothies to lower uric acid or fight gout

4 min de lectura

High levels of uric acid lead to the appearance of gout, a disease characterized by localized painful joint inflammation, although it has a treatment quite similar to that applied in cases of rheumatism, it is necessary to take good care of the diet, trying to ingest ingredients that facilitate the index leveling, that's where the suggested shakes, juices and smoothies become efficient allies.

Smoothies to lower uric acid or fight gout – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

What is gout and how to combat it with natural shakes and smoothies?

It is known under the term, the disease caused by the identification of uric acid crystals in different body fluids, likewise, it can be due to visceral disorders, especially, after the increase in uricemia.

By tendency, it usually appears, in the big toe, accompanied by additional symptoms, including itching and peeling of the skin.

How to prevent gout or level uric acid levels?

Considering that its origin is linked to sedentary lifestyles, combined with unbalanced diets — with high consumption of meat and a deficiency of vegetables — it is the diet that has the ability to act in favor not only of the prevention of the disease, but also to provide a better quality of life for those who suffer from it.

The intake of raw fruits and vegetables — linked to the elimination of red meat from the menu — and the correct hydration, are measures as essential as eliminating the consumption of alcohol, caffeine and purines, organic compounds that favor the formation of uric acid.

To this is added, the preparation of the following smoothies, juices and shakes:

Lemon juice

The simplest alternative to minimize uric acid levels in the blood is lemon, and its properties even act in favor of the dissolution of the crystals formed. The recipe is simple, it will be enough to wash 5 lemons, cut them in half and extract their juice.

The result will be taken daily on an empty stomach for 15 days, in the event that it is too strong, dissolve it in a little water.

Celery smoothie

Another good option to combat gout or lower uric acid levels comes from the hand of celery, for this you will need:

— 250 ml of water.

— 3 branches of celery.

After washing and chopping the celery sticks, they will be taken to the blender to process together with the water, the result will be a homogeneous shake that has to be taken twice a day, if preferred, pass it through a strainer before serving.

Grapefruit, radish and lemon juice

The content of vitamin C and folic acid contained in this juice, promotes the disintegration of gout, while regulating uric acid levels in the blood, with the plus of providing small amounts of minerals and B-complex vitamins. It demands to have:

— 3 radishes.

— 2 grapefruits.

— 2 lemons.

The preparation is simple, it begins by cutting lemons and grapefruits in half in order to extract their juices, then wash and chop the radishes to take them to liquefy together with the reserved citrus juice, process very well and serve. Repeat the recipe daily until the discomfort disappears.

Pineapple and chayote smoothie

The advantage of taking 1 glass of this smoothie on an empty stomach for a week lies in its efficient contribution to lowering uric acid levels, since it optimizes the proper functioning of the kidneys, but that is not all, additionally it reduces inflammation, it is diuretic and promotes circulation. The necessary ingredients are:

— 1 slice of pineapple.

— 1/4 of chayote.

— 1/2 cup of orange juice.

The procedure begins by peeling and slicing the chayote, the result is taken to the blender to process together with the rest of the ingredients until obtaining a smoothie without lumps. For preference, serve cold.

Cherry, pineapple, carrot and mango smoothie

The choice of the ingredients that make up the shake is not random, each one of them contributes to the decrease of uric acid levels in the blood, however, cherries are the real protagonists, since their contribution is to neutralize uric acid while providing large doses of antioxidants. Preparation requires having:

— 30 gr of cherries.

— 4 carrots.

— 1 slice of pineapple.

— 1/2 mango.

— 1 Creole lemon.

Preparation: after washing and chopping the ingredients, it is time to extract their respective juices separately, after that step, what remains are to combine them all in the same container to take them to the fridge so that it cools down very well before serving.

If you don't have enough time to add ice, the idea is to drink twice a day until the discomfort subsides.
