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Benefits of white meat
The high protein content, in addition to being low in saturated fat and rich in vitamin B12, makes white meat an essential element in a balanced diet. It has always been included in different diets, even replacing red meat, which leads to the question : How free of the risks that are attributed to the latter is their consumption?

What are white meats, and why should they be part of the diet?
As its name suggests, white meats correspond to those that differ from red meats by presenting a less reddish coloration when raw. From the perspective of nutritional criteria, it includes non-mammalian products, a definition that is not very accurate, since pork loin and rabbit are included in the group.
How is white meat different from red meat?
In addition to the obvious contrast in appearance, white meat tends to be blander than red meat, also containing lower levels of myoglobin and iron. Another differential aspect lies in the content of purines, a point against which red purines have because they promote the increase of uric acid, which in turn generates health problems such as gout disease.
But that's not all, white meats are easier to digest, they practically lack saturated fat, and they have a type of protein of higher biological value, making them ideal for controlling cholesterol, as well as in weight loss regimens.
La polémica sobre las carnes rojas surgió a raíz de investigaciones realizadas a personas con problemas cardiovasculares, obesidad, insuficiencias entre otros donde se demostraba que todos
What nutritional advantages does the consumption of white meat entail?
The main attribute of white meat when talking about nutrition is its minimal fat content. To get an idea of what is being talked about, every 100 grams represents less than 10% fat. Other reasons why it usually appears in all kinds of diets is that it is rich in proteins, essential for the supply of amino acids responsible for contributing to the development of tissues.
Chicken or turkey meat, which to choose?
By tendency, when mentioning white meat, the first ones that come to mind are turkey and chicken, which is not to refute considering that they represent a first-order nutritional contribution by providing proteins, vitamins and minerals, in exchange for a caloric intake almost nil, as long as it is consumed without the skin.
Choosing one or the other is a matter of criteria and individual tastes, since the truth is that they have similar levels of nutritional content, but par excellence, it is chicken that wins preference, being an essential ingredient in different cuisines due to its versatility., flavor and accessibility that it has with respect to Turkey.
Desde luego aquí no existen ayunos o situaciones parecidas, simplemente comenzaras con una dieta a base de verduras y carnes blancas para adelgazar. El desayuno solo deberás comer galletas
Red meat vs white meat, the eternal dilemma
In this fight, it is the red meat that is placed as a rule, in the chair of the accused, leaving the podium to white meat when the truth, in terms of nutrition, it is so wrong to ensure that all of these are harmful and that the white represent the panacea of a balanced diet.
Indeed, red meats are the losers due to their purine content and higher proportions of fats and cholesterol, however, if the comparison is with fish meat, one of the most recommended and valued, it must be considered that as an aspect Negative is the mercury content of some specimens, a highly toxic element for the organism.
Llevar una alimentación balanceada es algo necesario para que podamos tener una excelente salud y evitemos todo tipo de posibles enfermedades. Por ello, es necesario conocer un poco más sobre
How much to eat of each White meat?
In general, the recommendation is between 3 and 4 servings of white meat per week, leaving the consumption of red meat only occasionally, that is, between 2 and 3 times a month. Regarding which to eat, cow, horse and ox are the ones that contain the highest amounts of iron, vitamins, minerals and proteins.
Another aspect to consider is the way in which it is cooked, it will be worthless to bet on white meats, if they are prepared fried or in sauces that suppose a caloric intake three times greater than what they would have if they were consumed grilled or baked.
In the same way, it is advisable to avoid overcooking red meat or exposing it to high temperatures, if this is the case, as is the case with barbecues, it is advisable to rule out eating the burned parts.