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Exercises for buttocks: which are the best?

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Exercises for buttocks: which are the best? – Wellness and Health
Find out what are the best exercises for glutes that you can implement in your training routine.

To have a totally symmetrical body, it is necessary to work with the best workouts for each muscle. In this sense, the exercises for the buttocks will allow you to increase their volume, in addition to strengthening them to a great extent.

The work of the buttocks is not only done for the aesthetic aspect, but also for essential functional reasons for the body. That is why we must include it in exercise routines, with the aim of improving them in every way.

Exercises to increase buttocks in isolation

While many of the leg exercises work the glutes, they do so in a secondary way, since they are compound workouts. That means that several muscles work at the same time.

Therefore, it is important to implement exercises that are capable of isolating the gluteus completely within our physical training routine. Next, we tell you which are the best.

Hip Thrust or hip elevation

Considered one of the best exercises for the glutes, the hip thrust or hip lifts work this muscle in isolation. Likewise, they require a considerable level of demand, so caution is recommended when doing it.

The difference between the exercise and the others is that it works both the gluteus and the abductor when extending the hip. To do it, we must place a weight on our lap, always looking for the most comfortable position, and execute explosive movements upwards.

But, what is truly relevant is at the top point, where a slight contraction of the buttocks should be made, or what is the same, squeeze them. In the event that it is very difficult, you can start without weight and add it progressively.

Consideraciones para la elevación de cadera.

Single leg lunge or Bulgarian squat

Lunges are one of the traditional exercises for both the legs and the buttocks. However, one of the ways to isolate this last muscle is by placing one leg on a bench, in order to perform the exercise with only one.

The result of this position is that it is possible to work the gluteus more directly, being the main objective.

To do this, we must place our leg on a surface that is behind us, always trying to find a balance. Then, we will proceed to execute a normal stride, which can either be with our body weight or with additional weights.

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glute kick

It is a fairly effective exercise to work the gluteus, since we will only need it to lift the weight. However, for a better result , it is best to have a pulley system.

Likewise, for a greater activation of the gluteus, it is important that the knee is not flexed, that is, that it is kept as straight as possible. Always, starting from the hip and ending until the leg is completely raised.

Realiza mejor tus zancadas de esta forma.

By including some of these three exercises in your training routine, you can give your glutes more emphasis. Therefore, it will proportionally increase its size, as well as its strength.

What exercises to do for buttocks and legs?

As we mentioned previously, there are exercises that are compound, where several muscle groups work. Among them, muscles such as the quadriceps or the biceps femoris, as well as the glutes.

These compound exercises are usually the most recommended to increase muscle mass , so they should not be missing from a training routine. Find out which ones are the most valuable.


Squats are a traditional exercise that, in addition to being compound, is essential in a leg routine. They mainly work the quadriceps and to a lesser extent, the glutes.

In addition, depending on the position and opening of the feet, different muscles will be worked. Therefore, it becomes one of the gluteal exercises that should not be missed.

Las sentadillas son de los ejercicios para aumentar glúteos.

But, it is crucial to execute a good technique in order to avoid any type of injury in the future, especially in the back.

Dead weight

Another of the most used exercises in a leg routine is the deadlift. Its importance is that it works the biceps femoris, as well as the lower back, the lumbar.

Additionally, it is considered one of the most complete exercises since it works up to the arms. As for the gluteus, it is responsible for giving it greater volume and increasing its strength.

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In the same way, what is valuable in this exercise is to make use of a good technique, because, otherwise, an injury can occur.


The walks, or also known as strides, are exercises for the glutes that should always be in the leg routine. The ideal is to alternate between the weight, so if you are a beginner, you should start with your body weight.

It is essential that when executing the exercise, you should always keep your back straight, so that your legs feel the work. Otherwise, what occurs are hip injuries or even the back.

They are also part of the compound exercises, where you mainly work the quadriceps. But, depending on the depth of the stride, it will target the glutes as well.
